13.10.2023 | 17:10
Hlutir til að gera í Jihadinu
Þú gætir til dæmis föndrað.
Hef ekki heyrt neitt um þetta ennþá.
"The European Union appears to be making its move against X, threatening to block the platform and hit it with massive fines over alleged disinformation, but the platforms owner, Elon Musk, is requesting that the EU provide concrete examples to back up its claims.
Musk, however, is asking for specific examples to back the claim and responded directly to Bretons tweet."
EB er ekki að skora nein stig.
Hvað hljómar betur en týndur geislavirkur úrgangur?
"Waste from the oil and gas industry contains toxic and radioactive substances. Disposal of this waste is supposed to be carefully tracked, but 800,000 tons of oil and gas waste from Pennsylvania oil and gas wells is unaccounted for, according to a recent study."
Gott show.
"Mashal has proclaimed the coming Friday the 13th as the Friday of Al-Aqsa flood, urging Muslims worldwide to display their anger not just in Muslim countries but also in diaspora communities around the world.
On Thursday, Muslims rioted in Paris in support of the Hamas attacks against Jews.
Police pushed back against the Muslim protesters."
Það er erfitt að finna eitthvað þessu ótengt í fréttum núorðið.
Hehehe. Þetta er nauðsynlegt.
Rússar eru ekki hrifnir af útlendri tónlist
"The organization attributes the massive drop in royalty payments to foreign artists to the growing demand for Russian music content in the country."
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