15.10.2023 | 18:13
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Á meðan allir eru að pæla í miðausturl0ndum er allt að gerast í úkraníu:
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Gaman gaman.
Palestínuarabar herja á London
"Reports of pro-Palestinians swarming and in some cases attacking counter-protesters are increasing. UK police seem to be ill equipped to deal with crowds should they turn violent, with many not even wearing helmets to prevent head injury.
Antifa members were part of the London Palestine protest on Oct. 14. They stood out for being white people who covered their faces and stuck together. They claim they are against all gods and nations but they ally themselves with Islamists & militant Palestinian nationalists.
The situation throughout Europe and the UK is growing increasingly chaotic; tens of millions of Muslim migrants and non-citizens currently reside in the region."
"The curious bear very calmly walked in, meandered past rows of cold sandwiches and candy bars and only touched one thing: a bag of gummy bears."
Þetta er alvöru fyrirsögn í alvarlegum fjölmiðli
"Why Do Democrats Keep Farting On Camera?"
Þegar stórt er spurt...
"She did anything but clear the air... as Twitter followers couldn't help but notice that during the 45-second livestreamed social-media broadcast, the socialist lawmaker unmistakably appeared to break wind around the 38 second mark."
Undirbúningur fyrir stríð við Kína
"The US Army has launched a blood drive in a bid to guarantee the stocks needed to fight a war with China.
Military chiefs have ordered a complete overhaul of their supply chains to reduce dependence on the civilian population and foreign allies."
Menn eru rólegir.
Menn hugsa í lausnum.
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