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Fjallgöngur eru hættulegar

"Two American women competing to be the first in the country to scale the tallest 14 mountains were killed while climbing the last remaining peak on their list."

Svona fór það.


Internet húmor

Á náttúrulegum nótum:

"Rushing in to save the visually distressed pet, the man is heard cursing at the kangaroo, saying: 'I'm going to punch you f*****g head in. Let my dog go'. 

Then, the kangaroo lunges at the man before the video cuts out - a struggle is heard before the video reappears showing the kangaroo stood facing the man and the dog now free."

Mortal Kombat!

Á meðan, í Portland, Oregon:


Fór ekki Dagur B og föruneyti þangað?

Til að læra hluti.  Sýnist þeir ekki kunna neitt nema ósiði þarna.

Musk um betri siði

""As tragic as the mass-shootings are, armed citizens are essential to the defense of democracy," Musk wrote on X in response to a post that discussed numerous examples of events in the US throughout the past three years that may push a person to purchase a firearm."

Berjist gegn glæpum skjótið á móti.

Þetta er ennþá plága

"The staff and students of Windsor High School are mourning the loss of 15-year-old football player Elijah-Jay Mariano-Rivera, who died suddenly during a medical emergency at practice on Tuesday."

Tengd frétt.

"Þeir sem hafa fengið tvo skammta af Pfizer eða Moderna mRNA bóluefni gegn Covid-19 og hafa engin einkenni hjartavöðvabólgu eru með marktækt hærra magn af glúkósalíka efninu FDG í hjartanu, sem bendir til hjartabólgu, samkvæmt nýlega birtri niðurstöðu japanskrar rannsóknar."

Andi Fu Manchu svífur yfir vötnum.

Þetta hefði verið ásættanlegt plott í 80ies grínmynd

"In September 2022, the Wyoming-based chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma voted to allow a 6’2 biological man who uses the name “Artemis Langford” to join the sorority.

Six of the sorority sisters filed a lawsuit claiming the transgender pervert was watching them undress."

Viðurkennið það bara, þetta er mjög skoplegt.


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