Hvaš get ég fundiš ķ dag?

Kóviš "bóluefni" drepur žig į 100 vegu

"Internal medicine physician Dr. Keith Berkowitz, who has treated 200 COVID-vaccine-injured patients, told The Epoch Times that he found gut problems widespread among long-COVID and post-vaccine patients

Infections with the COVID-19 virus have been shown to damage the gut microbiome and are associated with compromised integrity of the gut’s mucous layer, causing gut dysbiosis—a microbiome imbalance.

Reports have also shown that the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine is linked to reduced biodiversity in the microbiome."

Aha... "Lįttu bólusetja žig, annars fęršu kóvid og deyršs svo mikiš aš žaš žarf aš jarša žig ķtrekaš," sögšu žau.

Aldrašur tranni sigrar aldrašar konur ķ skylmingum

"On Sunday, a trans-identifying biological male took first place in the 70+ category at the FIE Veteran Fencing World Championships in Daytona Beach, Florida."

Skylmingar fyrir 70 įra og eldri er hlutur sem er til.

Mašur sem stušlar aš glępum veršur fyrir glępum

"Soros-backed Orleans Parish District Attorney Jason Williams and his elderly mother fell victim to a carjacking on Monday evening in New Orleans, when two perpetrators reportedly wielded high-powered automatic rifles during the incident, Fox 8 reports."



Kaninn meš einhverja nostalgķu.

Žaš er köttur į heišinni

"A driver believes they spotted a black panther pacing through a field - in Wales.

Video shows a large, dark shape walking up a hill in the Colwyn Bay area.

Apparently some black panthers were let loose in Wales in the 1970s and some pairs have bred."

Ks Ks.


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