Íkornavarpan er mikið þarfaþing


Kínverjar vilja taka þátt í partýinu

"Worrisomely other major global powers are bolstering their presence, particularly ones which have of late issued severe criticisms of Israel's largescale aerial assault on Gaza (namely Russia and China), which has killed thousands of civilians - many women and children among them. Russia has been operating jet patrols over Syria, and importantly China now has additional warships in the Mideast region.

Hong Kong-based South China Morning Post has confirmed that up to six Chinese warships have been in Middle East waters over the last week."

Gott að allir eru að taka þátt og enginn skilinn útundan.

Íkorna hringekja.

Menn hafa mismikið dálæti á Austurrískum listamönnum

"An image of a smiling Adolf Hitler was shown as part of a pregame trivia question about Hitler’s place of birth."

Einn umdeildasti listmálari 20 aldarinnar.


Stuðningsmenn hryðjuverkasamtaka berjast við lögreglu

"The New York Post reports the “Flood Brooklyn for Palestine” demonstration quickly dissolved into chaos at sunset, with protesters shutting down traffic through Bay Ridge, screaming at NYPD officers and lighting small fires in the middle of the roadways.

The rally continued into the night with tensions eventually flaring between officers and demonstrators. Police say more than a dozen people were taken into custody, ABC 7 detailed."

UK fjármagnar Hamas.  Beint og í ggnum UN.  Það gera íslensk stjórnvöld líka.

Þessu tengt

"The Met said that despite their increased patrols in heavily Jewish areas, they have seen a drastic increase of 1,353 per cent in antisemitic offences this month, which they said included “abuse directed at individuals or groups in person or online, racially or religiously motivated criminal damage and other offences.”

The London police went on to claim that there has also been a 140 per cent increase in “Islamophobic offences”, from 42 during the same time last year to 101."


Og nú hafa þessir sauða-bjánar áhyggjur af tjáningafrelsinu

"Hún seg­ir dæmi þess að fólki hafi verið sagt upp starfi eft­ir að hafa birt Face­book-færsl­ur til stuðnings Palestínu."

Fyrst heimta þau lög gegn hatursglæpum, svo fá þau lög gegn hatursglæpum, og svo eru þau notuð á þau, og þá fara þau í fýlu.  Þau báðu um þetta.

Ekki íkorni

Þetta er merkilegt:

"You can now sue the mRNA COVID vaccine manufacturers for damages and the FDA is required to take the COVID vaccines off the market. Why? Adulteration. The plasmid bioactive contaminant sequences were NOT pointed out to the regulatory authorities. It's considered adulteration. I just got off the phone with Professor Byram Bridle and Dr. Robert Malone on this."


Ein leið til að enda tónleika býst ég við...

"The hip hop group Death Grips cut its performance in Fayetteville, Arkansas, last week after fans wouldn’t stop throwing glow sticks at them."

Rap... stytting á crap.

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