3.11.2023 | 17:15
""Revenue declined by 13.5 percent with revenue per [hectoliter] increasing by 4.9 percent driven by revenue management initiatives," the brewing giant said in a statement. It also noted a 17.6 percent decline in sales to wholesalers and a decline of 16.6 percent for sales-to-retailers.
U.S. dollar sales of Bud Light were down 29 percent in the four weeks ended Oct. 21 compared to the year-ago period, according to Nielsen data compiled by Bump Williams Consulting, the AP reported. Sales are down nearly 19 percent for the year to date."
"The Bank of Thailand supports the use of local currencies instead of the US dollar in trade with international partners, according to the regulators deputy governor for monetary stability, Alisara Mahasantana.
The official said that use of local currencies should minimize the risk posed by fluctuations in the US dollar, which have recently reached 8-9%."
Kaninn að missa tökin á alþjóðafjármálunum.
Alec baldwin ætlar að gera þætti...
"Alec Baldwin is apparently tired of doing feature films and is pitching Hollywood on a reality TV show starring himself and his family."
"Hes a nice guy and deserves a shot."
"If one of the networks pulls the trigger, I'm sure he'll kill it."
"This will shoot to number one in the ratings with a bullet."
"I heard Alec started by shooting a pilot."
"Cant wait for shooting to begin!"
Ísrael á við fleiri vandamál að etja... eða fleiri Ísrael...
"Israel Barona, a rising Ecuadorian surfer and Olympic hopeful has died at the age of 34 after suffering seizures."
3? Sennilega.
Ekki er allur kosningaáróður eins
"Democratic candidate for Virginias House of Delegates 71st District Jessica Anderson uploaded a video of herself urinating in the snow to TikTok.
In the video, Anderson whispered, Yeah, Im peeing, as the sound of her urinating could be heard in the background."
Ég veit ekki af hverju þetta er alvöru. Er þetta það sem koma skal í Íslenskum kosningum? Ég meina, við erum alltaf bara 2-5 árum á eftir kananum með alla vitleysu.
Aldrei neitt gáfulegt. Bara vitleysuna.
"Floridas Roof EZ is giving away an AR-15 rifle and a turkey to everyone who purchases a new roof during the month of November."
Hmm... meða Ar-15 geturðu náð þér í þinn eigin kalkún.
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