9.11.2023 | 20:08
Jólasveinninn útdeilir Darwin verðlaunum
Jólasveinninn plaffar á költista
"On Tuesday, the climate cultists were blocking the Pan-American Highway. As traffic was stopped, 77-year-old American lawyer and professor Kenneth Darlington got out of his vehicle and walked up to the protesters. He got into an argument with them and brandished a handgun and started moving the roadblocks.
Then one protester reportedly dared him to shoot them.
And, well, then he decided it was Glock O'Clock."
Þetta eru siðblindingjar. Hver annar en langt leiddur sósíópat myndi ekki taka eftir því að sá sem hann er að tala við er orðinn reiður? Af hverju annars fatta þessir apakettir ekki að það er ills viti þegar einhver dregur upp vopn?
Og hvernig dettur þeim svo í hug að fara að rífast við manninn sem er að veifa byssu?
Darwin verlaunin hafa verið veitt. Þau voru vel verðskulduð.
Breska ríkið enn í fílu við Tommy Robinson fyrir að benda á Pakistönsku nauðgunargengin
"The British goveernment wants to lock Tommy Robinson up again on the bogus catch-all charge of contempt of court because his documentary Silenced was screened in Florida by OKeefe Media to a US audience (Gateway reported).
Tommy faces up to 2 years in prison again in general confinement where he will be in mortal danger with the largely Muslim prison population. Several attempts on his life have been committed against Tommy when he was previously incarcerated on similarly BS charges.
Or, he will be locked up in solitary again in Belmarsh maximum security prison alongside Julian Assange, the UKs other prominent political prisoner."
Ekkert má. Islamskir nauðgarar eiga undir högg að sækja.
Fréttamenn CNN ofl vissu af hryðjuverkunum áður en þau gerðust
"Photographers working with the Associated Press, Reuters, CNN, and the New York Times were allegedly embedded with Hamas as they massacred Israeli civilians on October 7, according to a new report from media watchdog Honest Reporting.
The report raised serious questions about awareness the Associated Press and other outlets may have had about the massacre before it took place."
Stuðningsmenn Hamas koma af stað áflogum á frumsýningu heimildarmyndar um Hamas
"Pro-Palestinian protesters attacked attendees on Tuesday night outside of the Simon Weisenthal Centers Museum of Tolerance while the Holocaust museum hosted a screening of the graphic footage obtained by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) from Hamas cameras that depicted the vicious atrocities terrorists committed during the Oct. 7 invasion of the Jewish state."
Uhm... já. Auðvitað.
Alvöru fyrirsögn. Mjög 2023.
Ég sagði ekkert.
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