Sunnudagur. Ekkert gos ennžį.

Yfirvofandi gos ķ śtlendum mišlum.


Bretar og Kanadamenn...

"The United Kingdom and Canada have simultaneously declared travel threat alerts against each other and cautioning their respective citizens."


Fauci vill smita lešurblökur meš plįgum... aftur

"A new proposed taxpayer-funded laboratory in Colorado will conduct experiments on dangerous diseases and import bats from around the globe.

The Daily Mail reports that the project is a collaboration between Dr. Anthony Fauci's former department at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Colorado State University (CSU), and EcoHealth Alliance (EHA), a research organization that found itself at the center of the Covid lab leak theory. The project will reportedly cost taxpayers millions of dollars."


Žetta heldur įfram.

Bara ķ amerķku

"New Invisalign patients now have the option of receiving a membership at the Youngsville Gun Club and Range or a new Glock 19 through a promotion launched by Wake Forest, North Carolina’s Dr. Jason Gladwell."

Fólk myndi deyja śr hvellskitu ef žetta yrši gert hér heima.

Żmislegt dettur fólki ķ hug.

Žetta er örugglega allt byggt į heitu lofti

"Police are searching for a slew of activists and counter protestors after chaos ensued at the pro-Palestine rally in London yesterday.

Among those being hunted is a woman who was filmed yelling death to all jews, two men pictured wearing Hamas headbands, a group of four who called pro Palestine protestors tourist c***s and a woman carrying a Naza swastika sign."

Žaš varš ekkert śr žessu.

Belgar eru ekki kynįttur.  Žį vitum viš žaš.

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