Menn kryfja hund í gæzluvarðhaldi, ofl.


Íslendingur kemst í kast við hægri-öfgamenn í Kanada

"Íslenskur karlmaður hefur verið kærður fyrir þrjú brot er varða barnaníðsefni í kanadísku borginni Abbotsford.

Tvö brotanna varða innflutning eða dreifingu á barnaníðsefni í júní í fyrra og janúar á þessu ári. Hann er einnig kærður fyrir vörslu á barnaníðsefni í maí á þessu ári."

Annað en hér, þar sem Ríkið sjálft er svo Woke að það útdeilir barnakl+ami til barna beint, í gegnum skólakerfið.


USA fjármagnar Íran

"Joe Biden seems intent on keeping the mullahs of Iran well funded proving the means to continue their assaults on the world and on their own people.

The Gateway Pundit reported on Tuesday that the Biden administration extended a sanctions waiver allowing Iran to collect another $10 billion in funds.

Biden has now gifted the Iranian regime with $80 billion since entering the White House."

Allar erjur þeirra á milli eru semsagt plat.

Heimsins hættulegasta ungabarn

"An 8-week-old infant was placed on a secretive terrorist watchlist known as Quiet Skies last week, according to AJ Fischer. The only suspected, but not so reasonable, explanation for the designation is that Fischer is a J6 defendant and the infant’s father."

Geðveikin er eilíf.

Alex Jones tölvuleikurinn er til

"In the role of Jones, players square off against monsters based on the conspiracy theorist’s favorite nemeses, including billionaire currency speculator George Soros (“Nazi Dragon”), former US President Bill (“The Rapist”) Clinton and and wannabe-president Hillary (“Crooked Witch of the West Wing”) Clinton, and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg (“Big Tech Lizardnerd,” complete with a hammer labeled “thought police” and jailed Trump fans), in game clips featured on the website.

Another screenshot shows Jones doing battle with a cluster of rainbow-colored frogs, reminding the viewer that “they are turning the friggin’ frogs gay!” and “only Alex Jones can stop this madness and restore balance in the Brain Force.”"

Sniðugt. Hlekkur, fyrir þá sem hafa áhuga.


Tik Tok er undursamlegur staður fullur af einkennilegu fólki

"The future of America is openly agreeing with Osama Bin Laden over a letter he sent more than 20 years ago justifying the 9/11 attacks...

The letter was originally published by the liberal British newspaper The Guardian in November of that year. But as The Daily Mail reported, the letter went viral on Tiktok after The Guardian linked to the article yesterday in a piece about the ongoing Israel-Hamas war.

A young man says he is, “shocked but not surprised” and seemingly justifies Bin Laden’s actions: “In reading this letter I could only think of this tweet: under settler colonialism any kind of resistance is branded as terrorist because the only acceptable violence is violence by the occupier.” So according to him, America had no right to complain about being attacked because it is a colonial power."


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1 Smámynd: Loncexter

Mannkynsagan sýnir oftar en einu sinni, að siðleysi tortímir samfélögum, þjóðum og borgum.

Einhverjir vilja tortíma u.s.a og planta því Biden í hvíta húsið og the ,,job" is done !

Loncexter, 17.11.2023 kl. 16:35

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