20.11.2023 | 20:16
Þá er komið að fréttum aftur
Málfrelsið á sér fleiri óvini en bara Kötu Jak
"Video streaming site Rumble came under a DDOS attack on Monday. This after pledging to "go thermonuclear as well" along with Elon Musk following a Media Matters hit piece on X."
"A women's rights event was reportedly attacked by Antifa-affiliated extremists on Sunday in Portland, Oregon. Rose City Antifa had been plotting to disrupt the event over the past few days, encouraging its members to assault female participants. The threats were issued on social media.
Members of Antifa allegedly pepper sprayed, punched, kicked, and threw projectiles at the group of women."
Barnageldarar eru ofbeldishneigðir.
Allir hafa gaman af vísindum. Nema flestir, flestir hlýða bara Víði. Og hvert leiddi það þá?
"A small group of thugs learned a painful lesson last night after picking a fight with members of the proud U.S. Marines. Now a video of the encounter has gone viral across social media.
The footage shows plain-clothed individuals confronting the Marines outside of the Voodoo Room nightclub in Austin. After words are exchanged, one of the men decides to take a wild swing at a Marine, which instigates an all-out brawl."
Ég held ekki að þetta hafi verið hugsað alla leið.
Brezka ríkið með einhverjar STASI pælingar
"More than a dozen British government departments have reportedly established systems to monitor the social media activities of those critical of the administration, producing secret files to prevent them from speaking at government-organised conferences or other events."
Þeir munu þá bara fá sitt AfD, og sinn Milei.
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