22.11.2023 | 20:23
Sęringar og fleira skemmtilegt
Faržegar taka uppį aš fremja skyndi-sęringu
"The woman having an apparent mental episode then resumes her meltdown screaming: Stop blocking me! Ive been f***ing kidnapped! before throwing a punch at one of the airline employees.
A flight attendants voice can then be heard over the loudspeaker begging passengers to take their seats. But it is to no avail.
A woman in a gray beanie starts marching up and down the aisle proclaiming this meltdown is evidence that the real devil that wants to kill each and every one of yall including your family members.
She then turns to the crazy lady and proclaims shes been possessed by a demon:
Video footage then shows the beanie-wearing woman at the front of the plane singing gospel music while flight attendants again try to subdue the panic-stricken woman who yells: Youre fighting me! Stop fighting me!"
Segiš svo aš heimurinn sé ekki skemmtilegur stašur.
Višeigandi musķk.
"Samuel Alitos Moms Satanic Abortion Clinic. Does it sound like pure clickbait? Sure, the writers admitted in the piece, published Nov. 14."
Ašeins of "on the nose," en žaš er vist bara žannig sem allt er nś til dags.
Žaš gengur vķst illa aš manna herinn, en žaš gerir ekkert til žvķ aš:
Kaninn enn viš sama heygaršshorniš
"According to a new NBC News, more Americans now own guns than at any other point in 24 years of polling on the question.
It's up 10% over the last ten years and 6% since 2019 alone. A majority of Americans now own guns."
BLM hefur reynst góšur kennari. BLM getur ekki kennt Ķslendingum neitt. Mešal ķslendingurinn veršur hissa ef mašur kaupir slökkvitęki, og tjįir žaš meš oršunum: "en... žaš er alltaf aš kvikna ķ!"
"A US nuclear lab working on next-generation nuclear power plants, light water reactors, and robotics was hacked by a group of self-proclaimed "gay furry hackers.""
Žaš hlaut kannski aš koma aš žessu.
Kommśnistar segja og gera afbrigšilega hluti.
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Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.