25.11.2023 | 21:06
The Prodigy
Techno, en unplugged.
Kolefnistrúarmaður gubbar á Evrópuþingið
"The woman, who claimed that Brussels elites are operating climate scams on occupied lands yelled Im sick of your lies of the true environmental and social cost, as they blathered on about how amazing Hydrogen Week is.
She accused the EU of greenwashing, essentially virtue signalling using pointless environmental carbon schemes and the like to play up their green credentials."
Svo gubbaði hín upp grænu slími og sve snerist hausinn á henni í hring.
Andsetin eða bara fáviti?
Fullt af fólki sá "Terminator" og hugsaði: við þurfum þetta:
"The US, Israel, and China are reportedly developing AI-controlled drones that can make their own decisions about whether to terminate human targets.
According to The New York Times, several countries are lobbying the UN for a binding resolution restricting the use of AI killer drones, but the US, Russia, Australia, Israel, and other nations are resisting the move and favoring a non-binding resolution instead."
Hvernig á að stela Rolls Royce
"The footage, captured on the victim's CCTV doorbell camera shows one member of the gang holding up an antenna, which picks up a signal from the owner's key.
The signal - which includes a code for disarming the car's security system - is relayed to the vehicle."
Svona var ekkert hægt í denn.
Örfáir kolefnistrúarmenn blása út meira kolefni en meirihluti mannkyns.
"The analysis was published as global leaders prepare to meet for climate talks at the COP28 summit in Dubai later in November, where, much like other climate conferences, some elite participants will likely pontificate on the need for ordinary folk to end their reliance on cheap fossil fuel energy to make their ends meet.
Global leaders and policymakers fixated on fighting the supposed ills of carbon emissions because of models predicting dangerous climate change have often drawn criticism for their use of carbon-spewing private jets.
For instance, private jet use during last year's meetings in Davos, Switzerland, pushed up carbon emissions by four times over the average week."
Þess vegna vilja þessir kolefnistrúarmenn myrða meira en helming mannkyns. Þeir vilja ekki þurfa að hætta að búa til mengun.
Meira unplugged Prodigy
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Takk fyrir Prodigy unplugged. Fróðleikskorn: Liam Howlett hljómhöfundur þeirrar ágætu sveitar er menntaður í klassískum píanóleik.
Guðmundur Ásgeirsson, 26.11.2023 kl. 18:49
Útskýrir kannski eitthvað...
Ásgrímur Hartmannsson, 27.11.2023 kl. 17:19
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.