28.11.2023 | 13:37
Žaš rennur upp fyrir ķrum aš Ķrska rķkiš hatar žį og lķtur į žį sem ašskotadżr į Ķrlandi
""We are restricting freedom for the common good" - Irish Senator Pauline O'Reilly on Irelands hate speech bill. The bill "restricts freedom" and censors views about other peoples identities that make people feel "discomfort" and insecure
The institution of speech control laws serves only one purpose - To prevent or criminalize public communication that might lead to people being informed, and thus, more willing to rebel against government trespasses. In other words, the best case scenario for the establishment is one in which they can make war on the people while the people foolishly believe the establishment is helping them."
Ég męli meš žvi aš žeir endurvekji IRA.
"Swedish authorities must be handed the power to requisition and demolish mosques that are proven to be used to promote messages incompatible with Western values and the country should impose a ban on the construction of new mosques, the leader of the right-wing Sweden Democrats Jimmie Åkesson has claimed."
Ķrska rķkiš vill eyša Ķrum, Sęnska rķkiš vill višhalda Svķum.
Žetta er reyndar brilljant. Allir svona til Gaza!
"Arndķs Anna Kristķnardóttir Gunnarsdóttir žingmašur Pķrata dó įfengisdauša inni į salerni skemmtistašarins KķKķ į laugardagsmorgun. Žegar dyraveršir skemmtistašarins fóru aš kanna hvers vegna salerniš hafši veriš lęst ķ svo langan tķma, žar sem vķsa įtti gestum śt vegna lokunar, komu žeir aš žingmanninum og vöktu hann. Arndķsi Önnu hefur greinilega brugšiš viš žetta, eins og hśn greinir frį sjįlf, og brįst hśn žvķ hin versta viš og žess vegna var kallaš eftir ašstoš lögreglu."
Allt ķ lagi, žaš var į ekki nišurgangur, eins og mig grunaši fyrst.
Disney lętur breyta gervigerind vegna žess aš fólk er aš nota hana til aš gera grķn aš žeim
"Disney got Microsoft to change its AI image generator because people were making too many savage Pixar-style posters"
Beint ķ bķó.
Talandi um bķó:
Flokkur: Vķsindi og fręši | Facebook
Žurfa öryggisveršir ķslands ķ komandi framtķš, aš taka kannski tvo til žrjį tķma ķ kvensjśkdómadeild hįskólans ?
Loncexter, 29.11.2023 kl. 17:17
Veit ekki hversu mikiš daman pissaši śtfyrir žarna. Žaš žarf lķklega aš smśla, kvoša og sótthreinsa.
Įsgrķmur Hartmannsson, 29.11.2023 kl. 20:20
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.