30.11.2023 | 16:29
Írar, og fleira
Klósett-píratinn, væntanlegur á salerni skemmtistaðar nærri þér.
Í baráttu írska ríkisins gegn Írum, er Elon Musk í liði með Írum:
"The Irish government colluded with Big Tech to censor Irish citizens following the Dublin stabbing attack. X was the only platform that did not comply. Now they are calling for new laws that would force X to take down posts they dont like."
Það var og. Fasista-andskotar, allt saman.
"Residents of villages in Ireland have resorted to establishing barricades and road checkpoints around their communities to prevent the government from relocating asylum seekers to the area.
Protesters have expressed their discontent in recent days at the possibility of new arrivals to the town, citing security and the saturation of public services as their primary concerns."
Það sem Írska ríkið óskar þegnunum:
"The Fianna Fáil councillor said, per the report:
I strongly believe that this is not the face of Ireland. This is just some criminals looting the shops. I dont think they follow any ideological purpose. They come to the streets and just rob. They should get punishment.
Not even an animal does these kind of thing. It is very shameful and they should get public punishment. Id like to see them shot in the head or bring the public in and beat them until they die."
Fjandans kommúnistar, alltaf eins.
Einhevrjir hægri öfgar hér í gangi
"Our government will rebuild the economy to ease the cost of living, and deliver tax relief to increase the prosperity of all New Zealanders, Luxon announced in Wellington, public broadcaster Radio New Zealand reported.
Our government will restore law and order and personal responsibility so that Kiwis are safer in their own communities, he added."
Æ-æ. Hvað eiga barnanauðgarar þá að gera? Flytja til Bretlands, kannski?
Allir í fýlu vegna þess að indjáni klæddi sig upp eins og indjáni
"Holden is actually of authentic Native American descent, belonging to the Chumash tribe, with his grandfather serving on the Tribe board in Santa Ynez."
Ekkert má.
Þessir kanar...
"The Democrat Mayor of Denver had his vehicle stolen amid a growing number of auto thefts in Colorado."
Karma lögreglan nær þér alltaf.
Flokkur: Vísindi og fræði | Facebook
Stjórnvöld á Írlandi virðast hata þegna sína. Verður fróðlegt að fylgjast með hvað gerist þar á næstunni.
Rúnar Már Bragason, 30.11.2023 kl. 20:54
Glímumaðurinn þarna, MacGregor, verður konungur.
Ásgrímur Hartmannsson, 1.12.2023 kl. 15:51
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.