


Það var og.

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Keninn tekur þátt í enn einu stríðinu

""Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken spoke with Guyanese President Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali to reaffirm the United States’ unwavering support for Guyana’s sovereignty," said the State Department in a late Wednesday news release."

Já.  WW3 kemur hægt inn, land fyrir land.

Frakkar kenna okkur rétta meðferð á kolefnistrúarmönnum

"How can you not love these French farmers? They are literally throwing manure at government buildings to protest high taxes in the farming sector. This is in front of the DDTM buildings in Quimper to express their general contempt for government trying to squeeze them out of business via taxes and regulations"

Kolefnistrúarmenn og hatur þeirra á matvælum er sérstakt fyrirbrigði í sögunni.



Mentól sígarettubann er rasískt

"The Biden administration has delayed its ban on menthol cigarettes after strategists warned President Biden that it could negatively impact his support among black voters.

Leaders in the black community claim that the ban would foster an underground market and cause police to target black smokers in a disproportional manner, the Washington Post reports."

Svarti maðurinn reykir Newport.

Aðeins of nálægt veruleikanum

"A local man expressed confusion today, wondering why he should look forward to playing the upcoming Grand Theft Auto VI when he can simply walk outside and experience committing horrifically violent crimes without any consequences in real life."

Þetta var svona fyrir 35-50 árum líka:

Það er fyndið því það er satt.  Hvað ykkur finnst um skjaldbökur er algert auka-atriði.

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