12.12.2023 | 16:05
Litið til baka; 20 Febrúar - 9 Mars
Írskar mæður hafa eitthvað á móti nauðgunum
"The team at Urban Scoop led by Tommy went to southern Ireland to talk to the women of Ireland, who are leading the charge and talking about the migrant crisis that has led to an epidemic of rape and abuse. The refugees swamping Ireland are fom Ukraine, Afghanistan, Eritrea, Somalia and Nigeria."
Ef þú ert á móti naugunum þá ertu hægri öfgamaður.
Höfundur Dilbert hefur ekki rangt fyrir sér
"Adams said during one of his livestreams that all of the viral videos of black people beating up white people had led him to believe that the two races cannot live together peacefully."
Það urðu til mörg mím...
Menn voru með hugmyndir um að stækka Idaho
"As you know, several counties in the state of Oregon are trying to secede and become part of the state of Idaho.
The people who live in these counties are sick and tired of the radical left wing politics that rule their state because of cities like Portland."
Þetta útskýrir að sem seinna varð...
"Reconstructing visual experiences from human brain activity offers a unique way to understand how the brain represents the world, and to interpret the connection between computer vision models and our visual system. While deep generative models have recently been employed for this task, reconstructing realistic images with high semantic fi- delity is still a challenging problem."
Uhm... ok.
"At sea, the fishermen who live off of the ocean are witnessing disturbing evidence of whales facing unprecedented threats.
"The commercial fishing is extremely upset with the visual observations of dead whales floating at sea, Brick Wenzel, Point Pleasant Beach, New Jerseys, fishing liaison and a longtime commercial fisherman, told Breitbart News on Wednesday. One vessel said they had seen 3 different whales in one trip. Another had parts of a whale come up in their net. Most of the captains are generational fishers and are in their 60s No one has heard of or seen anything like the carnage being witnessed.""
Engir tortíma jörðinni hraðar en umhverfisverndarsinnar.
Trannar gera tölvuleik til að fá útrás fyrir sínar ofbeldis ideasjónir.
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