Litiš til baka; 28 Mars - 10 Aprķl

Óšur tranni myršir 6 manns ķ skóla

"Nashville PD has released another clip from bodycam footage, this time of officers neutralizing female-to-male transgender shooter Audrey Hale, who killed three children and three adults at a Christian school.

At an earlier press conference, police said the 28-year-old, who'd reportedly attended the school herself, had left behind a "manifesto" and maps which noted security camera locations, doorways and other details.

"We have a manifesto," said Metro Nashville Police Chief John Drake. "We have some writings that we're going over that pertain to this date, the actual incident. We have a map drawn out of how all this was gonna take place.""

Nokkru seinna var hluta af žessu manifestoi lekiš:

"Hale: “Wanna kill all you little crackers!!! Bunch of little faggots w/ your white privileges”•"

Svona veršur fólk ef žaš hlustar of mikiš į RŚV.




Samtökin Ķsland Palestķna segja aš žetta sé allt ķ lagi.  Hśn var nefnilega undirokuš og įtti engan Mustang.


"UK Oncologist warns Cancers are rapidly developing post-Covid Vaccination – "I am experienced enough to know this is not coincidental""

Kķkiš į tölurnar hjį Lnadlękni Ķslands.  Bara aš segja...


Berlķnarbśar eru ekki sömu saušir og Ķslenska Rķkiš

"Berlin’s rejection of the climate neutrality by 2030 mandate is a massive body blow to the the radical Fridays for Future and Last Generation movement in Germany, and it will take months for the radicals to recover, it ever, from this setback.

The Berlin initiative to make the city climate neutral by 2030 was led by rich, upper class youths like Luisa “Longhaul” Neubauer. But Berliners, having been harassed for months by activists gluing themselves to the streets and blocking traffic, saw the folly of the initiative and the high costs it would entail politically and financially. They decided resoundingly they’d wanted no part of it."

Į mešan eru Ķslenskir rįšamen į fullu aš reyna aš sżna börnum klįm, rukka fįtękasta fólkiš um kolefnisgjöld til žess aš svelta žaš ķ hel, stela neyšarsjóš til žess aš borga fyrir kampavķn og snittur, og smitast svo af apabólu į žartilgeršum rįšstefnum.

Sjįiš žetta bara:

"Tinna Hallgrķmsdóttir hefur veriš rįšin sem loftslags- og sjįlfbęrnifręšingur hjį Sešlabanka Ķslands en um er aš ręša nżja stöšu hjį bankanum."

Loftslags- og sjįlfbęrnifręšingur.  Hjį banka.  Žette vlęri reyndar gagnslaust embętti hvar sem var, segi ekki annaš...

Eini munurinn į žessum žursum og bakkabręšrum, er aš bakkabręšur voru fyndnir.

Žeir ķ Ecuador eru lķka greindari en Ķslendingar

"Reuters noted that crime has reached a point where it is hard to curtail, and Lasso hopes to find some degree of respite in allowing citizens to be armed for self-defense."

Hér į landi er rķkiš aš taka menn fyrir ķmynduš hryšjuverk.

Sumir vilja aš rķkiš hafi meiri völd, til žess aš taka jafnvel fleiri fyrir upplognar sakir.

Fólk gįir svo sjaldan aš žvķ hvaš žaš bišur um.

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