Litiš til baka; 11 Aprķl - 23 Aprķl

Dylan Mulvaney rśstar Anhauser Busch.

Twitter var fasista fyrirtęki

"Musk told Carlson during a segment which is set to air tonight that he was shocked as to the level of penetration the feds had with Twitter.

“The degree to which government agencies effectively had full access to everything that was going on on Twitter blew my mind, I was not aware of that,” said Musk.

“Would that include people’s DMs?” asked Carlson.

“Yes,” responded Musk."

Samruni rķkisins og einkafyrirtękis.  Fasismi.

Kolefnistrśarmenn óttast hrķsgrjón

"Rice is to blame for around 10 percent of global emissions of methane, a gas that over two decades, traps about 80 times as much heat as carbon dioxide. Scientists say that if the world wants to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, rice cannot be ignored.

— AFP News Agency (@AFP) April 16, 2023"

Žeir boša eyšingu mannkyns.  Žetta er frį žvķ nśna, til samanburšar:

"a new study claims the gases in air exhaled from human lungs is fueling global warming.

Methane and nitrous oxide in the air we exhale makes up to 0.1 per cent of the UK's greenhouse gas emissions, scientists say. 

And that's not even accounting for the gas we release from burps and farts, or emissions that come from our skin without us noticing."

Lögmįl Poes.

Fleiri śtlendir leftistar

"The Gateway Pundit reported in October 2020 on Hunter Biden’s Russian orgies, his many nights with Russian hookers, his father wiring him money for his prostitutes, and his fears of being blackmailed by the Putin regime."

Žetta žykir normal.


Hin ęšislegu ęvintżri löggęzlu vélhundsins

"The New York Fire Department (FDNY) $75,000 Dalmatian-spotted robot dog was sent to survey a collapsed parking garage in Manhattan but immediately fell over."



Mašur ķ vinnu.


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