Litið til baka; 2 Júní - 16 Júní

Hal úr Space Odyssey er ekta

"An AI-enabled drone turned on and “killed” its human operator during a simulated U.S. Air Force (USAF) test so that it could complete its mission."

Varið Dave við.


Meiri sönnunargögn vegna glæpa Hunter Biden líta dagsins ljós

"Nearly 10,000 photos from Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop were uploaded to a new website -, which has been intermittently unavailable since launch due to overwhelming traffic."


Loftslags-Gollum spáir heimsendi... aftur

"A reminder from United Nations climate envoy @GretaThunberg that the world will end in seventeen days due to the burning of fossil fuels.

I’m trying to decide how to handle it if it goes badly for Greta’s side – you know. Like, we’re all still here?

I’d use “The Great Disappointment,” but The Millerites already stole that one. At least I have a couple weeks to think of something snappy."

Á meðan, í Kanada

"Based on already available state-level figures, the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition assessed MAID (Medical Assistance in Dying) cases rose from just over 10,000 in 2021 to around 13,500 in the next year, a 34 percent increase nationwide.

That number is forecast to rise again before this year is out with euthanasia already the 3rd leading cause of death in Quebec — seven percent of all deaths."

Ríkið að gera það sem ríkið gerir best.


Þetta gæti útskýrt sitthvað...

"The WhatApp group includes former Prime Ministers Ehud Barak and Ehud Olmert, former Chiefs of Staff Dan Halutz and Bogie Ya’alon, Crime Minister founder Yishai Hadas, and Antifa-style terrorist Black Flags founders Roy Neuman, Shikma Bressler, and Eyal Schwarzman. The Black Flags are financed by former prime minister Ehud Barak, Israeli Channel 13 reports.

Former Prime Minister and convicted criminal Ehud Olmert demanded “head-to-head and hand-to-hand combat.” He noted that  “there were reservations concerning the wording because it sounded too aggressive.” Olmert called for “war as in war” but “without violence and breaking the law.”"


... já.

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