Bara af því


"As the Gateway Pundit reported, multiple people were shot by a crazed gunman in a small Iowa town Thursday. Now, the suspect responsible for this evil act has been identified and social media is panicking.

Butler appears to be a devoted leftist LGBTQ activist, as seen in his Reddit account, Dylanpickle1996, and on TikTok. The gay and trans pride flags are featured.

Note he also has the hashtag #genderfluid in one of his posts. It has not been confirmed whether he identifies this way or is merely an ally."

Þessu tengt:

Kalífornæía mun láta skera undan ólöglegum innflytjendum án endurgjalds.

"It has been revealed that sex changes and hormone therapy will be included in the healthcare coverage offered to illegal immigrants in California. As of January 1, everyone, regardless of whether they entered the country via legal means, will qualify for Medi-Cal, the state's public health insurance program."

Grunaði þetta svosem...

"“At some point—I think that point is long past due—these vaccines will be withdrawn from the market. They’re not safe. They’re harming people. They may be harming people in ways that are durable. The recent DNA contamination is very concerning for increasing risk of cancer,” he said."

Það dó alveg slatti af fólki úr krabba A 2022.

... ef community notes segir það...

Þýzkarinn að vesenast

"Robert Habeck, who also serves as Germany’s economy and climate minister, was prevented from leaving the vessel after returning to the mainland from the small island of Hooge, where he had been on holiday. Police said farmers blocked a jetty in Schluettsiel on the North Sea coast, forcing Habeck to return to the island, according to Germany’s DPA news agency."

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