9.1.2024 | 16:46
Clinton e-mail
Sigursteinn Mįsson tekur žįtt ķ barįttunni gegn matvęlaframleišzu
"Viš lżsum yfir miklum vonbrigšum meš žetta įlit umbošsmanns. Umbošsmašur kżs aš gera lķtiš śr ķ įliti sķnu lög um velferš dżra sem eru 11 įra gömul lög en horfir einkum til hvalveišilaganna sem ég held aš vel flestir séu sammįla um aš séu śrelt enda 75 įra gömul lög, segir Sigursteinn Mįsson..."
Jį. Barįtta kommśnista viš villtar kryddjurtir er vel žekkt, sem og andstaša žeirra viš laxeldi ķ sjó. Laxeldi į landi er veriš aš kyrkja lķka. Nęst veršur fariš ķ aš hefta almennan landbśnaš. Hvaš skal žį borša, žegar ekkert nį veiša né rękta?
Nś, nż lög, aš sjįlfsögšu.
Barįtta žżzka rķkisins gegn matvęlaframleišzlu
"Farmers all over Germany are rallying for a week of protests against government austerity measures, which they fear may leave the agricultural sector without support and force farms to shut down."
Žetta endar sennilega eins og ķ Nišurlöndum.
Žessum hęgri-öfgamönnum žykir nefnilega naušsynlegt aš borša.
Žaš mį ekki einu sinni borša hund
"South Korean cuisine has long featured dog meat and at one point up to a million dogs were killed for the trade every year, according to activists cited by AFP.
But consumption has sharply declined recently as Koreans welcome pet ownership in droves and embrace loving their four-legged friends rather than eating them."
Ķ Kanada eru menn ekkert hrifnir af gagnrżni
"Rebel News Mission Specialist David Menzies was arrested after an encounter with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) during a recent attempt to question Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland.
Video footage from the scene shows a Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) officer purposely blocking Menzies as he tried to ask Minister Freeland questions:
"Ms. Freeland, how come the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) is not a terrorist group? Why is your government supporting Islam?" asked Menzies.
Seconds later, an unnamed police officer suddenly bumped into Menzies, pressed him against a wall, and declared, "You are being arrested for assault."
Despite the arrest, Menzies was not taken to jail. He was held in the police vehicle and later released, according to Rebel News."
Heppinn aš fį ekki bara MAID.
"The Clinton Presidential Center deleted this post of President Clinton sending out his first email"
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Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.