Elon Musks war against diversity hiring threatens to once again land him in hot water with advertisers."
Niggara forrétindi eru ekki gefin, þau eru tekin. Eins og reiðhjól.
16.1.2024 | 17:05
Sérsveitin hindrar bónda í að ná í rollurnar sínar
"Grétar fékk að flytja kindur sínar úr Grindavík í gærkvöld en það gekk ekki átakalaust fyrir sig. Þegar hann mætti sérsveitarmönnunum lá við að upp úr syði."
Og fólk segir að Ameríkanar séu fífl.
"Alþjóðaheilbrigðisstofnunin (WHO) segir bóluefni við kórónuveirunni hafi bjargað að minnsta kosti 1,4 milljónum mannslífa í Evrópu."
Þetta sull virðist fljótt á litið hafa aukið dánarlíkur allra sem það tóku um meira en 50%, svo tala látinna eftir þessa mRNA eitrun er orðin ansi há.
"As TMZ reported, All My Children actor Alec Musser died suddenly Friday night at his home in Del Mar, CA. He was just 50 years old.
Mussers fiancé Paige Press revealed that he was suffering from a severe case of COVID despite being fully vaccinated and boosted, as Fox News noted"
Bara stikk-prufa. Eitt dæmi af milljónum.
Þýzkir bændur vilja losna við glóbalistana
"Culminating a week of nationwide demonstrations in which thousands of farmers took to their tractors to shut down typically busy highways and the thoroughfares of major cities, an estimated 5,000 tractors, trucks and over 10,000 people crowded into the centre of Berlin on Monday.
The protests were sparked by the left-wing coalition governments decision to solve a budget crisis with cuts to agricultural subsidies and eliminating tax exemptions for farmers on diesel, a measure that has been in place for over 70 years.
Meanwhile, the government not only refused to cut any aid to Ukraine, it doubled down on propping up the proxy war effort against Russia, vowing to double payments to Kyiv this year to eight billion euros."
Þjóðverjar hafa yfir sér sömu úrkynjuðu gerpin og við.
"Ukraines much-touted counteroffensive has now completely failed and its very statehood could soon suffer an irreparable blow, Russian President Vladimir Putin said during the Small Motherland the Strength of Russia forum in Moscow on Tuesday."
Hvað er mikið eftir af þessu stríði?
Allar hórur uppteknar vegna fyrirmenna
"The 54th annual gathering of the World Economic Forum begins today in the small Alpine resort town of Davos. The invitation-only meeting brings nearly 2,800 leaders from 120 countries together to discuss the world's most pressing topics, such as climate change, artificial intelligence, and virus pandemics.
What's on the menu this year? Well, The New York Post described: "Caviar, magic mushrooms, gold-leaf desserts, A-list selfies, $2,500-per-night hookers and secret dinners."
In a separate report, the French newspaper "20 minutes" sheds even more light into this years' hooker-fest' at Davos:
Aside from unspoken dark Davos nights, WEF is trying to rebuild trust. This comes after populist movements swept across the Western world following political and corporate elites who mismanaged the Covid crisis and pushed failed social and economic policies that have sparked outrage amongst the majority. A symptom of this failure is President Biden's imploding polling data.
We doubt WEF will be close to rebuilding trust as the majority are catching on to these virtue-signaling elites who roll up in private jets and petrol-guzzling motorcades to discuss climate change."
Ég er mest hissa á að þeir vilji lögráða hórur. Og lifandi.
Annars hef ég oft spurt, en aldrei fengið nein svör við spurningunni, hvert er úrkynjaða orðið fyrir náriðil?
Ég meina, nú væri kjörið að vera með uppstoppaða mongólíta á leigu fyrir auðuga náriðla, en það er líka ljóst að þeir eru að minnsta kosti jafn úrkynjaðir og Gísli Marteinn, þó þeir þræti fyrir það, og úrkynjað fólk notar ekki orð eins og "náriðill," "barnanauðgari," eða "mongólíti."
Þannig þekkirðu það. Ég sem ekki reglurnar. Og hvernig á ég að leigja náriðlum nái ef þeir nota ekki orðið náriðill, og móðgast hreinlega ef það er notað?
Það er mjög erfittt fyrir úrkynjað fólk að tjá sig, og jafnvel erfiðara að skilja það.
Musk tekur sér Niggara-forréttindi
"Elon Musk throws more fuel on the racial fire burning down his X advertising revenue by weighing in on diversity debate about Black peoples intelligence
Elon Musks war against diversity hiring threatens to once again land him in hot water with advertisers."
Niggara forrétindi eru ekki gefin, þau eru tekin. Eins og reiðhjól.
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