
Trans dýr fjarlægð af þartilgerðum embættismönnum

"Students who purport to be an imaginary animal or animal species, or who engage in anthropomorphic behavior commonly referred to as furries at school shall not be allowed to participate in school curriculum or activities. The parent or guardian of a student in violation of this section shall pick the student up from the school, or animal control services shall be contacted to remove the student."


Inn á milli eru snillingar, og ég kann að meta það.

Kynskift Nazista BDS hóra handtekin/n af FBI fyrir hótanir

"The FBI last week arrested a trans person referred to as a “Nazi Dominatrix from Hell” after discovering he posted about going out in a “blaze of glory” while making threatening comments about multiple ethnic groups and those who objected to his lifestyle."

Þessir kommúnistar...

Þetta er mikið spilað í útvarpinu núna.  Cover útgáfan, þ.e.a.s.  Tjækovský, ofarlega á vinsældarlistanum, AD 2024.  Bara af þvi.

Forseti Argentínu ávarpar samkomu fasista

"Milei, a libertarian economist, explained in a roughly 20-minute speech how socialism ultimately leads to poverty, how the state “is not the solution,” but rather “the problem itself,” and how leftism has co-opted Western government institutions to further its agendas.

Milei urged world leaders to embrace capitalism as an alternative.

The Argentine president lamented that world leaders have abandoned the ideas of freedom, embracing instead several versions of leftism which he categorized as being versions of the same ideology of collectivism."

Fasistarnir eru ekkert að fara að hlusta á hann.


Unga kynslóðin spjarar sig

"A recent study has revealed significant skepticism among young audiences regarding climate alarmism, a development that poses a challenge to advocates of urgent climate action but is likely to be welcomed by those who see stoking fear about the supposed ills of global warming as exaggerated.

Researchers also found that roughly one-third of teenagers (the predominant YouTube audience) hold views such as “climate policies cause more harm than good” or consider “climate change a hoax to control and oppress people.”

The findings—which the CCDH calls alarming and “startling”—suggest that there’s a growing rejection of climate narratives that emphasize imminent global catastrophe."

Góðar fréttir.  Við þurfum þær.


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