2.2.2024 | 16:54
Það þarf að setja mykju á fleiri pólitíkusa
Sumir virðast hafa einhverjar efasemdur um þetta Neuralink.
"Gavin Newsom says he was visiting a Target and got blamed for a shoplifting incident to his face by a worker who didnt recognize him.
During a Zoom call, Newsom said he was at a checkout line when someone left the store without paying.
Newsom asked the worker why nobody stopped the shoplifter.
"She goes, oh, the governor.' Swear to God, true story on my mom's grave."
"The governor lowered the threshold, there's no accountability," the worker said."
"The movement, triggered by concerns over low wages, heavy regulation and cheap imports, has involved farmers from Spain, Italy, Germany, Romania and Greece calling for action."
Nú eru Írar í þessu líka.
Barátta góðs og ills tekur á sig þessa mynd.
Það væri óskandi að ráðamenn tækju sönsum án þess að það þyrfti að dæla mykju á þá, en við bara því miður búum ekki svo vel.
Vissulega vaxandi vandamál.
Flórída sendir lið til að verjast innrás
"Roughly 1,000 soldiers will be sent to Texas, DeSantis office said in a statement on Thursday. They will be joined by members of the Florida State Guard, and around 90 members of various Florida law enforcement agencies already at the border."
Vélmenni verða betri en feministar á 3 mismunandi vegu.
"The Metropolitan Police have released new images of the London chemical attack suspect, Abdul Ezedi.
A 31-year-old mother, believed to be known to Ezedi, was attacked with a corrosive alkaline substance and remains very poorly and sedated in hospital, with her injuries thought to be life-changing."
Þetta er víst einhver vel þekktur bófi frá Afganistan.
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