10.2.2024 | 09:50
Það varð heldur lítið úr þessu eldgosi
Hér getiði sagt Ríkinu hvernig það geturn sparað pening
Til dæmis getur það lagt niður Umhverfisráðuneytið, það sparar meira en 25% af þessu. Það er hægt að hætta að ausa pening í útlendinga, vegna þess að Ísland er ekki nýlenduveldi, þí Ríkið virðist halda annað.
Það er margt og meira sem má alveg benda á. Vísið bara í Fjárlög.
Pútín talar um sögu Rússlands í 20 mínútur.
Stutt greining á þessu, fyrir þá sem hafa ekki 2 klukkutíma aflögu
"The wolves living near the destroyed Chernobyl nuclear power plant have somehow managed to thrive for years amid the high levels of radiation there so much so that PBS recently ran a documentary about the canines titled, simply, "Radioactive Wolves."
Mutant wolves who roam the human-free Chernobyl Exclusion Zone have developed cancer-resilient genomes that could be key to helping humans fight the deadly disease, according to a study."
Ýmislæegt er til.
"Diplomatic relations between India and Canada continue to devolve, as the two countries who were on the cusp of bilateral a trade agreement just months ago now routinely trade harsh accusations of foreign interference.
Yesterday, (8) India released a strongly worded statement rejecting allegations of election interference in Canada.
This comes months after Trudeau publicly accused India of killing a Khalistani terrorist on Canadian soil."
Allir skemmta sér.
Alvöru fyrirsögn, sem er til.
Lítill gróði í að stela lottómiðum
"A Russian woman who was selling instant lottery tickets was so impressed by a buyers big win that she decided to steal around 800 of them for herself, according to police.
Despite trying again and again, she failed to win the big prize she had hoped for, and was eventually caught.
She now faces up to two years in jail for embezzlement."
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