28.2.2024 | 16:53
Haltu žig hęgra megin
Meira aš segja Hitler Jugend sjįlfur tók vištal viš einhvern jśróvisjón guttann.
Mašur getur hvergi sloppiš!
Jęja... skįrra en blak-umręšan.
Vinsęldir Sjįlfstęšisflokksins dala hratt
"Lögreglan hefur fylgt Sjįlfstęšisflokknum ķ hringferš flokksins um landiš til aš tryggja öryggi rįšherra og žingmanna. Hefur žetta ekki veriš gert į sķšustu įrum žegar flokkurinn hefur fariš ķ hringferš."
Jį, menn hafa vķst veriš aš ręša um kartöflur og strį glimmeri undanfariš. Ekki fę ég séš aš vinsęldir flokksins aukist nś žegar žeir žurfa lögreglufylgt. Bad Optics, žś skilur.
Google ķ vandręšum vegna kynžįttahaturs
"This week, the boycott of Google products is accelerating as Americans were stunned to discover last week that the left-leaning big tech company's premier artificial intelligence bot, Gemini, previously known as Bard, was deeply infected with the woke mind virus by its purple-hair creators."
Og almennt mannhatur.
Ķ Kanada.
Kommśnistar vilja hafa sķna barnamoršingja hjį sér
"The Gateway Pundit reported on Monday the Prince Georges County homicide unit arrested 25-year-old Nelson Granados-Trejo in connection with the murder of a toddler in Prince Georges County, Maryland.
... U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokesperson has confirmed Nelson Granados-Trejo is an illegal immigrant from El Salvador.
Illegal alien from El Salvadoran accused of killing 2-year-old Maryland boy was released from jail TWICE following repeated theft charges and order to leave the country."
Viš erum aldrei nema 5 įrum į eftir kananum.
Žaš sem žarf aš gerast til aš Rśssar nśki Evrópu
"A total of 29 secret Russian military files penned between 2008 and 2014 are detailed, including details on how war-gaming could play out and presentations for naval officers, which speak of operating principles for nuclear weapons use.
A possible nuclear response could be triggered by an enemy entering Russian territory to more specific examples, such as the obliteration of 20 per cent of Moscow's strategic ballistic missile submarines, according to the classified documents, seen by the Financial Times and reviewed by experts."
Macron ętlaši aš gera innrįs ķ Rśssland. Er hann aš vonast eftir einhverju?
Rśssar monta sig af hernašargetu sinni
"The Russian military has destroyed several rare examples of Ukraines Western-supplied military hardware, including a Norwegian-made NASAMS anti-aircraft system and a Swedish-made Archer self-propelled howitzer, according to new footage released online."
Allir vilja ólmir fara ķ strķš viš Rśssa nema ég.
Allir vilja skera kynfęrin af börnum nema ég.
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Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.