2.3.2024 | 17:15
Þegar sumum líkar ekki við vísindin...
"On January 4th, the paper "Meta-analysis: On average, undergraduate students intelligence is merely average," was accepted to the journal. That same day, the abstract was published with the notice that the "final, formatted version of the article will be published soon."
Soon thereafter, the paper went viral, quickly accruing over 54,000 views, wide discussion on X and Reddit, and coverage in popular media (including RCS). It garnered this attention for its intriguing yet simultaneously obvious finding: over the past 80 years, as a far greater proportion of North Americans attended college, the average IQ of college undergraduates dropped from around 120 to 102, just slightly above the average of 100.
Uttl was curious what brought on the sudden rejection of his already accepted paper, so he asked representatives at Frontiers. He was told that several posts on X triggered Dr. Davelaars review. As readers were only able to view the abstract, and thus weren't able to assess the authors' methodology, it seems clear that they complained purely about the authors' tone and provocative conclusions. Davelaar only found 'problems' with Uttl, Violo, and Gibson's methods afterwards."
Vitleysiongar vilja ekki að allir heyri hve vitlausir þeir eru.
"One of the loony agitators decided to demonstrate his toughness by cursing out and lecturing the West Virginia Democrat. In the video released by Climate Defiance, the man approaches Manchin, who is sitting at a table with a Harvard Kennedy School banner behind him.
Upon hearing this, Manchin gets up from his table ready to square off with the heckler before either a male security officer or Manchin aide intervenes. He grabs the agitator by the arm before hurling him like a ragdoll through the open door."
Sem er rétta aðferðin við að eiga við kolefnistrúarmenn.
Kanada versnar með hverjum degi
Google tapar milljörðum á úrkynjaðri gervigreind
"Breitbart News previously reported that Googles market value plunged by $90 billion amid controversies surrounding its new generative AI service Gemini. The ultra-woke AI became instantly famous for erasing white people from history, facing widespread mockery for not only its wildly inaccurate images, but also defending pedophilia and Joseph Stalin."
úrkynjun leiðir til gjaldþrots (get woke, go broke.)
Frá upphafi þar til nú.
Niðurgangur Bretlands er óstöðvandi
"A prominent South Yorkshire campaigner who saw a person get stabbed to death when he was just a teenager says that more needs to be done to tackle knife crime.
It comes as figures show that knife crime is on the rise. In the year ending September 2023 it increased by 48,716 offences, thats 5 per cent more compared to the year before."
Fyrst bönnuðu þeir byssur, á færðist ofbeldi í vöxt frekar en hitt, og menn fóru að beita hnífum.
Svo bönnuðu þeir hnífa, og hnífstunguárásum fjölgaði skarplega.
Og enn setja þeir höft á, og við hver lög eykst obeldið.
Þeir læra ekkert.
Og Íslendingar apa eftir þeim, ío von um að vera krufnir lifandi af múslimum.
Þetta er ekki jafn stuðandi og youtube vill vera láta. Og meira:
Flokkur: Vísindi og fræði | Facebook
Það virðist vera til eitthvað sem kallast gervigreind. En á íslandi þjást flestir pólitíkusar af; alvöru heimsku !
Kannski væri betra að þeir notuðu AI til að semja ræðurnar fyrir sig ?
Loncexter, 3.3.2024 kl. 12:03
Að skaðlausu mætti skifta ölly systeminu út fyrir gervigreind.
Gervigreind þarf hvorki þak yfir höfuðið né mat, svo það þarf ekki laun heldur.
Ásgrímur Hartmannsson, 3.3.2024 kl. 17:37
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.