11.3.2024 | 17:02
Mannętur vęru betri kostur
Žetta er miklu fyndnara en žaš hefur nokkurn rétt į aš vera
"This Lebanese woman started a war over the weekend by saying American ladies aren't attractive like her."
Kvenfólki er ekki treystandi til žess aš meta kvenfólk.
Q: "This accent needs to be illegal and women should be banned from doing manual labour like this. There is NOTHING feminine about American women. American women are literally men."
Gott skot. Beint ķ fótinn.
"Russia is producing three times more artillery shells than Kievs military sponsors, CNN reported on Monday, citing Western intelligence estimates."
Rśssland: meira bang fyrir peninginn.
Menn eru lķka į móti dżrategundum... eša eitthvaš...
"On Sunday, a blog associated with Portland's Rose City Antifa issued a claim of responsibility for an attack launched on a butcher shop in northeast Portland.
The owner of the butcher shop, Pasture PDX, voiced left-leaning political views on social media, and the shop displaying an LGBTQ Pride flag on its storefront windows.
Rose City Antifa, under the byline rosecitycounterinfo, said in the post that they shut off power to Pasture PDX in an attempt to make their animal meat unsellable. The group also claims to have shut power to nearby stores for no other reason other than it was fun."
Mikiš lķm var sniffaš af öllum ķ ašdraganda žessa atburšar.
Allstašar stašan.
"Portugal's centre-right claimed a narrow victory in yesterday's general election but Europe could yet be bracing for a surge in support for the populist right.
Socialist Pedro Nuno Santos was dealt a major blow as the left-wing party's vote share collapsed from 41.4 per cent to just 28.6 per cent.
A populist surge in Portugal also comes after Geert Wilders' success in the Dutch elections at the end of last year and as Marine Le Pen's National Rally eye-up success in Brussels."
Okkur sįrlega vantar žetta hér į landi. Yfirvöld hér viršast stašrįšin ķ sjįlfstortķmingu, bęši į sjįlfum sér og öšrum.
Mannętur vęru framför.
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Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.