16.3.2024 | 18:13
Fólk er ljúffengt, með BBQ sósu.
Ýmis illvirki Sameinuðu Þjóðanna
"As shocking as the revelations about mass rapes of women and children by UN peacekeepers and teachers may be, even more distressing is that UN employees supposedly dedicated to healthcare have carried out those very same atrocities and are led by an actual terrorist.
During his tenure as Ethiopias health minister and then foreign minister, Tedros risked the health of citizens for political gain:
[H]ealth experts in Ethiopia noticed a strange phenomenon: The government was refusing to acknowledge cholera outbreaks. Instead, the authorities labelled the outbreaks as acute watery diarrhea the Ethiopian government was pressuring its health workers to avoid any mention of cholera, which could damage the countrys image and deter tourists.
Additional UN sex trafficking scandals have been reported in Bosnia and Kosovo, as well as a notoriously ignominious child sex ring organized in Haiti by more than 100 UN personnel who had been insufficiently screened.
The United Nations forces in Mogadishu are indiscriminately shelling civilian populated areas and markets. In the last three months alone the United Nations forces in Mogadishu have killed more than 160 civilians and have injured more than 400."
... UNWRA.
Diversity, Inclusion, Equity = crash.
Glæpamenn með áhugaverðar hugmyndir
"Roommates Stephen Glosser and Caleb Kinsey are being charged with stalking, conspiracy, and use of an explosive to commit a felony offense, among other charges, after bombing a woman's house in South Georgia in January of 2023.
In addition to documenting their crime for their scrapbook, the two also exchanged text messages where they plotted other ways to terrorize the victim, including shooting arrows through her door, mailing dog feces and dead rats to the victim, and releasing "a large python into the victim's home to eat the victim's daughter.""
... aha.
Willie Nelson er ennþá lifandi
"Country music legend Willie Nelson is paying tribute to border patrol officers by releasing a new cover of The Border, the 2019 song by Rodney Crowell."
Ég held að Bob Dylan sé líka ennþá lifandi.
"Australian medical researchers who are backed by the government want people to stop using the term after a newly released study found that those who tested positive for coronavirus did not have a prolonged increased level of impairment compared to those who simply had the flu, The New York Post reported."
Ekkert af þvi sem kóvitleysingarnir sögðu var rétt. Og nú eru þeir að fá krabbamein, einn af öðrum.
Kommúnistar eru hræddir við náttúruna
"An art museum in England has issued a warning to patrons that images of a British countryside in paintings can evoke what it labeled dark, nationalist feelings."
Þess vegna vilja kommarnir ólmir eyða öllu lífi.
Þa er feðraveldið. Það er alltaf feðraveldið.
Flokkur: Vísindi og fræði | Facebook
Þegar lík grotnar í jörðinni má ætla að ormar hafi séð um þá þróun.
Þegar ,,ráðgjafar" heimsins hafa fengið alla til að borða pöddur og orma, erum við óbeint komin í mannát.
Loncexter, 16.3.2024 kl. 20:39
Svo ég vitni í gamla, en forspáa kvikmynd:
"Soylent green is people!"
Ásgrímur Hartmannsson, 17.3.2024 kl. 15:18
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.