18.3.2024 | 16:19
Hægri öfga strumparnir
Strumparnir eru hægri-öfga fígúrur núna
"Blue is the color that represents the political party AfD (Alternative for Germany), the only strong right-wing opposition in Germany. It has generated a substantially growing following over the last years, but systemic media continue to shun it for its racist, queer-phobic, climate denialist, anti-vax views. Sounds familiar? Yes, the AfD is the equivalent of free-speech-promoting patriotic right-wing movements all over the world."
AfD hljómar betur með hverjum deginum sem líður.
Írsk pólitík
"This past weekend, the latest uprising unfolded in Santiago, Cuba, about 800 kilometers (500 miles) from Havana. Hundreds of residents took to the streets, decrying hours-long power blackouts and food shortages.
Protests flare up in Cuba, recalling the grim aftermath of 2021 - over 1,400 detained, torture cases, and silenced artists. As tensions soar, global calls for action against Cubas human rights abuses intensify."
Það eru aðeins færri mannætur á Kúbu.
Fyrir 40 árum. Göfugt.
"The US has become a global laughing stock by criticizing democratic processes in other nations while suppressing a presidential candidate in its own election, Russian leader Vladimir Putin has claimed."
Low blow.
úrkynjað fólk er líklegra til að vera andlega vanheilt
"A study out of Finland has found that people who believe in woke ideas of social justice are more likely to be anxious, miserable, and depressed.
Specifically, being on the political left was more predictive of lower mental well-being than high critical social justice scores alone. This suggests that the link between critical social justice attitudes and mental health is complex and may be mediated by broader political and ideological beliefs."
Hver vissi þetta svosem ekki?
Macron ætti að geta drukkið kraftsúpuna sína og farið og barist við þetta lið
"A police station was attacked by a mob no, its not a story that takes place in Haiti its France, the supposedly developed country that will hold the Summer Olympics in a few months and where society is still chaotic.
Now it arises that nine people have been arrested over a (mostly) firework attack on a police station near Paris."
óþarfi að pirra Rússa, þegar ástandið er svona heima við.
"Doctors across the world are sounding the alarm over a surging epidemic of young people being diagnosed with cancers more commonly associated with the elderly.
Nearly every continent is experiencing an increase of various types of cancer in people under 50 years old, which is particularly problematic as the disease tends to be caught in later stages in this population because most doctors aren't trained to look for it in young people."
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Coka cola auglýsingin er góð.
Auglýsingastofurnar á íslandi hafa líka séð að ísland er ,,to white"
Svo að nú er 70 prósent af fólki í íslenskum auglýsingum afríkubúar.
Aldrei nota þær araba eða tælendinga...einkennilegt ekki satt ?
Loncexter, 18.3.2024 kl. 17:00
Pólverjar myndu meika sens.
Ásgrímur Hartmannsson, 18.3.2024 kl. 20:07
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.