22.3.2024 | 16:18
Axjón í heiminum
Þrjótar gera áhlaup á landamæri
"The illegal immigrants are seen pulling the barrier open as four National Guardsmen try to keep them from crossing the border in the video posted on X by New York Post reporter Jennie Taer Thursday. The illegal immigrants rush through the gap opened, almost tramping the National Guard personnel, until coming up against a second, sturdier barrier."
Af hverju eru þeir ekki bara skotnir?
Eina vitið.
Kaninn borgar fyrir þetta (eins og við)
"According to a recent AFP News report, large white tents full of Central and South Americans, Africans, Chinese, and Russians are packed like cattle on one of the runways at Floyd Bennett Field. It's hard to say how many migrants are in the tent city, but some figures put it at nearly 2,000."
Land-eyðandi starfsemi, þetta.
Gáfnafarslegur jafnoki Kötu Jak segir að glæpir séu ekki glæpir
"Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY) on Thursday doubled down on her claims that RICO is not a crime.
The former barmaid got pummeled by a bunch of lawyers and conservative commentators."
Þessi var víst kosin, ólíkt Kötu...
Rússinn skynjar ðe gey sem hryðjuverkasamt0k
"Russias Federal Financial Monitoring Service (Rosfinmonitoring) has expanded its designation of persons and organizations deemed to be involved in extremist activities or terrorism to include the international LGBT social movement and its structural units.
Many observers in Russia have linked the rise of the LGBT movement to the fall in birth rates which has accelerated across Europe over the past decade."
T er fyrir terror.
"An online publication in Tennessee has been suing the FBI for access to the Covenant trans shooter's manifesto and a federal judge just stepped in and ruled that the FBI had to hand it over.
In November, conservative personality Steven Crowder released leaked portions of the manifesto. (We covered those here, here, and here.)
Metro PD in Nashville has been hiding the manifesto and they turned it over to the FBI, which has been even more cagey about it"
Trannar eru varasamir.
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