Fólk berst fyrir dauðakölt

Sumir hafa réttar fyrir sér en aðrir.

Biden stjórnin reynir að ritskoða það sem gerist á landamærunum

"New York Post's Jennie Taer is on the ground at the southern border wall and was the first to report the shocking invasion footage in El Paso, Texas, one day ago, when migrants attacked US National Guard troops. In response, the federal government has blocked media access to at least one stretch of the wall because the footage is extremely shocking and embarrassing for the White House. 

"Media now being blocked from the scene where we captured a breach by hundreds of migrants in El Paso yesterday, how do we do our jobs now?" Taer posted on X on Friday evening."

Barbara Streisand hefur kannski einhver orð um þetta.

Óregon stefnir á hungursneið, með valdi

"Small farmers are under attack in the Beaver State, which has begun shutting down family farms throughout the state under the guise of water conservation and groundwater protection.

The state of Oregon has effectively shut down small farms and market gardens on a large scale, and they’re actually sending out cease-and-desist letters to farms and they’re using satellite technology to find their victims and send them these letters that say you can’t operate."

Kommúnismi er dauða-költ.

Jafnaðarmaður handtekinn fyrir standard jafnaðarmanna hegðun

"On Tuesday, 46-year-old Michelle Young was arrested in Burlington, Iowa, after she set fire to a stranger's porch when they did not answer their front door."


Breski glóbalistaflokkurinn sýpur seiðið af úrkynjun sinni

"Reform UK, the re-branded Brexit Party, now enjoys more support among male voters in Britain than the Tories as Prime Minister Rishi Sunak continues to struggle to connect with the public."

Úrkynjun leiðir til gjladþrots.

Breskir þingmenn eru smám saman að sjá ljósið

"The Conservative Party MP said that the far-left is ‘glorifying terrorist actions’, whilst the mainstream media provide ‘barely a word of commentary’.

Clarke-Smith added: “Most of the worst forms of violent protest and threats we have seen have come from far-left groups and they think nothing of shutting down the free speech of others or resorting to bullying to get their own way.”"

Öfga-leftistar vilja myrða alla í heiminum.  Venjulegir leftriatr vilja bara myrða 90-99% allra í heiminum, og þeir sem eftir lifa þurfa að borða pöddur.  Fyrir veðrið, sko.

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