2.4.2024 | 16:04
Yfirvöld eru ekkert hrifin af mannréttindum
Rowling móðgar tranna... meira.
"The Scottish government's new hAte sPeeCh law went into effect on Monday, outlawing "stirring up hatred."
Scotland's Hate Crime Act comes into effect today. Women gain no additional protections, of course, but well-known trans activist Beth Douglas, darling of prominent Scottish politicians, falls within a protected category.
In passing the Scottish Hate Crime Act, Scottish lawmakers seem to have placed higher value on the feelings of men performing their idea of femaleness, however misogynistically or opportunistically, than on the rights and freedoms of actual women and girls."
Mikið fjör framundan.
Pólverjar pæla í að gera það refsivert að skopast að barnanauðgurum
"Poland, once a bastion of conservatism, is radically shifting gears under the new left-liberal government with a new hate speech law that could see offenders imprisoned for up to three years for offensive content against LGBT people.
Opposition parties in Poland were already warning against proposals to change hate speech laws in January of this year when the new government first came to power. They argued that such changes would effectively end free speech in Poland and represent a grave threat to religious freedom, with Catholicism in particular critical of many aspects of LGBT."
Vill Tusk segja okkur eitthvað?
Talandi um LGBTQ+...
Menn hafa verið að reikna út hvar pedóarnir eru
"Data from nearly 200 mobile devices reveal the exact path taken by visitors to Jeffrey Epstein's notorious 'pedo island,' which was tracked to 80 cities around the world spanning 26 states or territories.
The tracking data, which dates back as early as July 2016, also includes routes taken inside Epstein's 'waterfront temple' to toe beaches, pools and cabanas located on the 71-acre island. The surveillance data ends on July 6, 2019 - the day Epstein was arrested (for the second time).
Of course, the report excludes "any precise location data that could be used to identify properties or individuals, to protect the privacy of anyone uninvolved in Epsteins crimes," however Wired suggests they document "the numerous trips of wealthy and influential individuals seemingly undeterred by Epsteins status as a convicted sex offender.""
Ef það er ekki Q eða T, þá er það einhver háttsettur embættismaður eða ríkur kall.
Líffæragjafar framtíðarinnar sýna sig á almannafæri
"Journalists, human rights activists, and eyewitnesses including one doctor who claims to have extracted the organs out of a live and healthy political prisoner have long accused the Communist Party of killing political prisoners on demand to sell their organs to individuals willing to pay for the ability to schedule transplants rapidly. Chinese officials reportedly target Falun Gong practitioners, known to abstain from drugs and alcohol, and Uyghur Muslims, whose organs can be sold to wealthy Muslims in the Middle East, most often, potentially killing thousands of people each year."
Kínverjar að gera Kínverja hluti.
"A United Airlines flight was forced to return to a German airport on Friday after contents from a lavatory flowed into the cabin."
DIE & ESG.... boðar ekkert gott.
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