4.4.2024 | 16:36
Uggvænleg nef-væðing andlita
J.K Rowling er núna aðal frelsis-hetja Skotlands
"J.K. Rowling, until recently doyenne of the British left but now brutally cast aside as her solidly feminist perspectives are left behind by the sudden capture of the movement by transgender policy activists, has been all but leading the action against the move to suppress freedom of expression, daring the police to arrest her for calling transgender women men."
Ætli hana hefði grunað fyrir 20 árum að hún yrði aðal mannréttinda-aktivistinn í Evrópu?
Ætli nokkrum hefði grunað fyrir 20 árum að það þyrfti að berjast fyrir mannréttindum í Evrópu?
Þessir leftistar...
"If you want to be part of the Queer Fat Club, you really have to be fat. Its a requirement."
Mmm. Ekki núna, AD 2024.
Boeing í smá kröggum vegna úrkynjunar
"Production of Boeings 737 MAX jetliner has declined sharply in recent weeks due to a series of regulatory checks and safety audits, Reuters reported on Wednesday, citing unnamed industry sources."
DEI & ESG...
Rúmeni reynir að útskýra kommúníska fagurfræði.
Tranni með... áhgaverðar pælingar
"A court in Canada is set to rule on a case as to whether the state must pay for a vaginoplasty on a man who also wants to keep his penis intact.
According to the National Post, the legal battle could lead to more requests for individually customized and unorthodox gender-affirming surgeries while reflecting a small but growing demand for niche surgeries for people who identify as non-binary, meaning neither exclusively female nor exclusively male."
Neil Young & fleiri vitleysingar mótmæla löggjöf sem er ekki til, og stendur ekki til að setja á
"Led by lesbian pop music duo Tegan and Sara Quin last week, more than 400 Canadian musicians and artists signed an open letter denouncing "anti-trans legislation in Canada." Signees included Alanis Morissette, Neil Young, Sarah McLachlan, k.d. lang, and Elliot (formerly Ellen) Page. The duo credits transgender identified male, Fae Johnstoneknown best for harassing and vilifying women who don't share his political viewsfor helping to write their statement.
The letter was released on Transgender Day of Visibility, which, as it happens, fell on Easter Sunday and led to many vivid arguments over the sanctity of the Christian holiday versus the solipsism of the "trans community." (But that's an entirely different story.) In their letter, the Quin sisters call out Alberta premier Danielle Smith, who recently tabled legislation that seeks to place evidence-based limits on the medical transition of children, as well as changes in the provinces of New Brunswick and Saskatchewan that do not allow public schools to socially transition minors without parental knowledge or consent."
Það stendur ekki til að hætta að geklda börn, bara draga aðeins úr því.
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