5.4.2024 | 16:34
Stofnanavæðing miðlægra greiningadeilda
RÚV er í mjög vondri stöðu núa. Búnir að draga þennan homma sinn úr kjallarnaum, sjæna hann allan til og auglýsa hann upp, og þá mætir bara aðal-trúður 101 svæðisins, miklu vinsælli og þekktari maður, og býður sig fram.
Og svo í beinu framhaldi kemur helsti andstæðingur mannréttinda á landinu og býður sig fram líka. Vel þekkt fyrir baráttu sína fyrir fjöldamorðum í útlöndum og limlestingum barna. Fólk er mjög hrifið af öllu svoleiðis.
Sjáum hvernig gengur.
"The former bodyguard of Sean Diddy Combs claims the music mogul had blackmail tapes of politicians, princes and other prominent individuals who were involved in his sex parties.
I dont think its only celebrities gonna be shook. He had politicians in there, he had princes in there. He also had a couple of preachers in there, said Deal.
Can you imagine, he had every room bugged, he added."
Það að íslenskir pólitíkusar eru ekki á svona listum segir okkur allt sem segja þarf um þá. Böns of nóboddís.
Barnageldarar amast enn út af Rowling
"I don't know what's more embarrassing here:
A Baptist university professor who is white-knighting for transgenderism and DEI ... or a Baptist university that has a class on Harry Potter."
Góð spurning: "I dont care about the class, why does a Christian university like @Baylor retain faculty who promote an ideology completely opposed to Scripture?"
... það er ekkert kristilegt við a skera undan börnum.
Frakkar búast við byltingu vegna úrkynjunar
"A former advisor to President Emmanuel Macron has warned that if France continues down the same path with the green agenda, the country will likely face a social revolt far greater than the Yellow Vest movement or the recent bout of farmer protests.
Populist uprisings have been a defining feature of the government of Macron, a former Rothschild banker who has been branded as the president of the rich."
Þeim mátti vera ljóst að þetta var slúbbert þegar þeir kusu hann, en þeir kusu hann samt.
"The video starts with two police officers giving her a final warning while she sobs. She snaps when one officer attempts to grab her out of the seat.
When one officer calmly tells her she is under arrest, she retorts: Thats fine. Ive f**king been there before, while looking around the plane like a possessed, bug-eyed demon."
Alltaf missi ég af öllu svona.
Það er illa komið fyrir heiminum þegar Hamas má ekki einu sinni stunda hótanir
"Amazon has been hit with a wave of fury after listing a book written by Hamas boss Yahya Al-Sinwar.
Al-Sinwar, who is heading up Hamas' regime in the Gaza Strip, penned The Thorn and The Carnation in 2023.
Amazon users left a mixed set of reviews about Al-Sinwars book.
One said: This book is incitement to violence and antisemitism."
Ekkert má...
Texas ryður úrkynjun úr vegi.
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