7.4.2024 | 18:07
Kommúnstar allstaðar
Þetta gæti verið sér-amerískt vandamál. Hve margir Íslenskir textar eru bara orðasúpa? Stjórnin gerði reyndar marga svoleiðis. Og Mínus. Flestir Íslenskir popparar vriðast geta hnoðað saman texta sem þó virðist þýða eitthvað.
Þetta hlýtur að hafa verið pirrandi.
"In a move intended to restrict mass migration, Switzerland will hold a referendum to restrict their population to 10 million until 2050.
The vote would also likely mean Switzerland would be forced to end its bilateral agreement with the European Union on free movement and pull out of the U.N. Global Compact for Migration."
Kvenfólk berst fyrir málfrelsi
"Speaking to the crowd, Keen-Minshull described transitioning children as profound abuse and called Scotlands hate crime laws preposterous."
Á meðan tekur hernaðararmur barnageldara nokkrar þeirra fastar:
"While angry, masked men with loudspeakers, sirens, & abusive signs hung over the barriers to intimidate, antagonise and silence women, @policescotland put hands on women to physically move them at the demand of trans activists."
Starbucks býðst til að skera undan starfsmönnum sínum
"Starbucks is advertising a free sex change surgery for any of their employees!
As a matter of fact, this has been Starbucks' policy since 2013, more than a decade ago."
Ehm... nei.
Elon Musk vill ekki ritskoða fyrir Brassana
"X Corp. has been forced by court decisions to block certain popular accounts in Brazil. We have informed those accounts that we have taken this action.
We do not know the reasons these blocking orders have been issued.
We do not know which posts are alleged to violate the law.
We are prohibited from saying which court or judge issued the order, or on what grounds.
We are prohibited from saying which accounts are impacted.
We are threatened with daily fines if we fail to comply.
We believe that such orders are not in accordance with the Marco Civil da Internet or the Brazilian Federal Constitution, and we challenge the orders legally where possible.
The people of Brazil, regardless of their political beliefs, are entitled to freedom of speech, due process, and transparency from their own authorities.
Elon then threatened to publish every illicit request by Moraes and to explain how those requests break Brazilian law."
Elon vs Kommúnistar.
Alltaf gaman að sprengja kjarnorkuver
"Multiple Ukrainian explosive-laden drones targeted the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant on Sunday. Several locations across the facility were hit, with at least three employees injured in the attack, Russias nuclear energy agency Rosatom said in a statement on Sunday."
Stemming þarna.
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