8.4.2024 | 16:43
Hvað er Erlendur að gera?
Antifa berst gegn hagsmunum Íra
"This is a follow-up to our reporting yesterday. More details have emerged which many believe points towards a dangerous plan by the far-left, mainstream media, and possibly elements in the Gardaí to cause an incident.
- Leftists accompanied by journalists showed up at a protest against plans to install an asylum centre in Coolock, North Dublin. They had been filming a documentary on immigration in Ireland at the time.
- They were confronted by protestors, and while fleeing, reportedly dropped phones which were subsequently examined by the protestors
- The Garda Public Order Unit (police riot squad) showed up remarkably quickly. Locals claim they had been lying in wait just metres away.
- Information from the phone that was subsequently posted online reportedly shows close coordination between some of the biggest media organisations in Ireland and the UK (including state broadcasters), hardcore antifa activists, left-wing politicians, NGOs, and Islamic clerics and left-wing politicians
- The information posted online appears to indicate that attending leftists and media were accompanied by Muslim and/or Asian security from the U.K.
- Also allegedly discovered was the fact that the journalists had been closely colluding with Antifa, including buying materials (flags and disguises) to be used by Antifa with footage emerging of one high-profile Irish media personality apparently helping to make banners.
- The leaks also appear to show how journalists helped Antifa strategise on how to confront the protestors
- Antifa appeared to have been daring anti-immigration activists to show up to confront them. This is a suspicious difference from the norm, wherein they avoid street interaction due to being overwhelmingly outnumbered by nationalists
- A similar situation occurred a few years ago, where media interviewing a nationalist leaked details that resulted in him being attacked on-camera"
Antifa = ofbeldisarmur Ríkisins. Allstaðar.
Menn að reyna að búa til veður-vél
"A secretive project conducted from the deck of an aircraft carrier in the San Francisco Bay will shoot trillions of aerosol particles into the sky to increase cloud cover in the name of preventing global warming, and details have been held back to avoid (a) public backlash.
The report notes that there is little data on the potential negative effects of such geoengineering projects and that they could also harm communities and ecosystems in unexpected ways.
Shuchi Talati, the executive director of the Alliance for Just Deliberation on Solar Geoengineering, remarked how the test had been kept under wraps with little public engagement whatsoever.
The chemtrail conspiracy theory, which has been around since the early 90s at least, is based around claims that contrails released from the jet engines of aircraft linger around in the sky for hours and produce de facto cloud cover to block out the sun."
Þetta var nú með því seinasta sem ég bjóst við að reyndist satt.
Jafnvel Sigurgeir getur ekki toppað þetta
"A local nurse and her husband, a former US Navy sailor, have been arrested on multiple charges relating to sex crimes, including child pornography and bestiality.
The couple was charged after law enforcement found dozens of disturbing photos and videos on William Keens phone, which included at least one video of Joely Keen engaged in multiple sex acts with their Great Dane."
Fólk er komið í hundana.
"The report declined to provide details on what was said at the gathering, only citing significant evidence of Kievs involvement and repeating information that was already publicly available."
Ef þið hafið tíma, skoðið hvað Rússarnir gerðu eftir Beslan.
Bara að segja...
Kolefnistrúarmenn eru tískuslys
"Climate scientists have now informed people that wearing denim jeans is bad for the environment.
One notable aspect highlighted in the study is the significant contribution of activities such as washing, drying, and ironing to the carbon footprint of traditional jeans. These post-purchase activities account for almost half of the total carbon footprint of traditional jeans. But for fast fashion jeans, most of the carbon footprint came from production and transportation."
Kolefnistrúarmenn eru ekki fyrir föt.
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