9.4.2024 | 17:03
Barnageldarar eru ógn við mannréttindi
Skoska lögreglan á fullu við að taka við kvörtunum barnageldara
"David Threadgold, chairman of the Scottish Police Federation (SPF), says Police Scotland's vow to investigate every report of hate crime has created a 'simply unmanageable' situation with around 8,000 filed in the first week.
Analysis of more than a decade of crime statistics has suggested fewer thefts, assaults and shoplifting cases are being 'solved' by officers - meaning that a perpetrator is identified and the case considered for prosecution."
Barnageldarar eru sérréttindahópur í Skotlandi.
Kolefnistrúarmenn fá allar sínar veðurfarsupplýsingar frá kynskiptum hórum
"Indonesian transgender streetwalkers (who refuse to use Tinder for some reason) cant solicit sex on the street of Jakarta during rainy season even though they could just wear a raincoat and suck it up (metaphorically) and this is Climate Changes fault for being racist and transphobic."
Fólk er líka vitlaust.
"Social media platform X has announced that it will be initiating legal action against the Australian government after a contentious demand from the country's E-Safety Commissioner to remove a post from its platform.
The dispute arose when Chris Elston, also known as "Billboard Chris," received a notice from Australia's eSafety Commissioner requesting the removal of a post. Elston, a Canadian resident, had made comments referring to a transgender-identifying Australian activist by their biological pronouns, along with other critics."
Fólk geldir sig, og þykist bara eiga heiminn.
Musk vs Kommúnistar í Brazilíu
"If you missed it, the top justice of Brazil's supreme court has Elon Musk and X/Twitter in his sights after the tech company refused to ban or hand over the private messages and information of Brazilians who are guilty of "misinformation," including wrongthink about the very-free-and-fair 2022 presidential election there.
De Moraes is fining X $20,000 per day "for every banned person Musk allows to speak."
The New York Times notes that De Moraes "has jailed people without trial for posting threats on social media; helped sentence a sitting congressman to nearly nine years in prison for threatening the court; ordered raids on businessmen with little evidence of wrongdoing; suspended an elected governor from his job; and unilaterally blocked dozens of accounts and thousands of posts on social media, with virtually no transparency or room for appeal.""
Bolsanaro hegðaði sér aldrei svona.
Þeir fengu hugmyndina hjá serial morðingja
"Arizona has become the latest state in the nation to allow terramation, also known as human composting, as an alternative to traditional burial methods and cremation."
Já... mistök eru gerð stundum.
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