12.4.2024 | 16:28
Útlandið í dag
Ég hef efasemdir um gæði þessarar hugmyndar
"Citing six Israeli intelligence officers, the Tel Aviv-based magazine said the previously undisclosed AI system, dubbed Lavender, has played a central role in the unprecedented bombing of Gaza since last October, with the military effectively treating its output as if it were a human decision."
Sara Connor?
Kínverji: "I am a Chinese immigrant who survived communism, and under Mao, you know, 40 million people were starving to death after he sold communism to them, and 20 million people died, murdered, during his cultural revolution. So my question to you, David, is can you guarantee me, a gun owner, tonight, our government in the U.S., in D.C., will never, never become a tyrannical government?"
Meðal Íslendingurinn myndi frekar svelta en berja frá sér. Ég sé að sumir vilja berja frá sér til þess að svelta. Þar þekki ég fólk.
Áframhaldandi ævintýri mannréttindafrömuðarins JK Rowling
"Rowling was responding to the release of a report by Dr Hillary Cass that found that the entire concept underlying child transgender procedures is built on shaky foundations with little scientific evidence of their effectiveness. The study outright rejects puberty blockers, and decries how the far-left medical community has bullied those who question transgenderism.
Rowling was furious, not because the report went against her own viewpoint, but because she has been so thoroughly excoriated by the left despite her being aligned with this report in the first place.
These are people whove deemed opponents far-right for wanting to know there are proper checks and balances in place before autistic, gay and abused kids groups that are all overrepresented at gender clinics are left sterilised, inorgasmic, lifelong patients, she continued."
Rowling vs Barnageldarar... ennþá.
Það er brandari í þessu einhversstaðar.
Kommúnisti fær kommúnista í heimsókn
"A group of Berkeley law students accepted an invitation to dine at the private home of dean Erwin Chemerinsky and his wife, a law professor, then disrupted the event and refused to leave. Bizarrely, this student claims her conduct is protected by the 1st Amendment."
Kommúnistar hata alla.
"British biofuel company Firefly has reached an agreement with the low-cost airline Wizz Air to build a commercial refinery that will help convert sewage into sustainable aviation fuel"
Wizz air.
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