17.4.2024 | 17:26
Kynferðisglæpamenn hafa of mikil ítök í öllu
Lög til að vernda tilfinningar kynferðisglæpamanna reynast óvinsæl
"A new YouGov poll has found that Scottish First Minister Humza Yousafs popularity has nosedived since the introduction of ridiculous the hate crime law that caused police to receive over 8000 reports in one week.
The Telegraph reports that Yousaf now has an approval rating of minus 32, equating to a 15-point drop for since the beginning of the year."
Skotar báðu ekki um þetta.
5 ára gamalt, en alvöru.
"I'm astounded by this comment. One of the gender ideologues' favourite slogans is 'no debate'. Opponents have been attacked, vilified, subject to discipline at work, had their lives overturned and lost their careers, all for the crime of wanting a debate."
Illska barnageldaranna er endalaus, og ítök þeirra óskiljanleg. Hver er það sem lætur sjá sig úti á götu um hábjartan dag eftir að hafa púkkað uppá þvílíkt hyski?
Tranni viðurkennir opinberlega að hann sé pedó.
Lymskulegar tilraunir Kínverja til að búa til hybrid-mann-dýr
"Chinas latest medical scandal involves a woman who spent a fortune on cosmetic breast augmentation, only to discover her implants contained filler tissue from camels, bats, and chimpanzees."
Ekki fylgir sögunni hvort ofurkraftar hlutust af þessu.
"Metallica co-founder and frontman James Hetfield has shown off a new tattoo dedicated to fellow metal icon Lemmy Kilmister of Motorhead. The ink used in the design, according to Hetfield, features the actual remains of the late rockstar."
Þetta kallar á lag:
"The review, N1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1Ψ): Friend or foe of cancer? published on Science Direct, delves into the potential implications of a vaccine ingredientN1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1Ψ)that may play a role in immune suppression and cancer proliferation."
Vá... þið gerðuð aldeilis mistök.
Austur-evrópumaður tjáir sig um ástandið á vesturlöndum.
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