18.4.2024 | 16:33
Glæpir og annað
Helga Dögg heldur uppi fjörinu
Hún álpaðist til þess um daginn að skrifa að karlmaður sé ekki kona, og það las einhver öfuguggi að nafni Álfur, sem varð svo bylt við að hann hringdi í lögregluna.
Þetta vekur vissulega spurningar:
1: Hver er svo mikið gerpi að hann tilkynnir orð á internetinu til lögreglu? (reyndar standard á FB, en FB er líka nexus allrar úrkynjunar.)
2: Hvers vegna tók lögreglan einu sinni mark á þessu?
3: tekur fólk almennt mark á illgjörnum pervertum? Vonum ekki.
Svona svart/hvít góðir vs vondir mál eru sjaldséð... eða voru það. Fylgjumst með þessu skemmtilega máli.
"Middle school students at Mt. Nebo School in Payson Utah held a walk out protest today against unhinged school officials that allow furries to terrorize them at school.
The students report in the video below that the furries bite, scratch, and bark at them. The furries also chew on sticks in class and a kitty litter box was set up in the girls restroom for them to use."
... ha?
Lögreglan í London handtekur mann fyrir að segja satt
"Niyak Ghorbani, a 38-year-old man from Iran, has come to national attention for holding a sign reading Hamas Is Terrorist at pro-Palestinian rallies in London over the past months. For merely holding up a sign factually stating the legal position of the British and American governments, Ghorbani has been arrested multiple times at protests and has even faced assault by anti-Israel activists."
Íslenska ríkið vill líklega endurtaka niðurgang Bretlands.
"A woman brought a 68-year-old man who was dead, in a wheelchair, to a bank branch to try to take out a loan in his name. The bizarre incident occurred on Tuesday, April 16, at a bank branch in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
She conducted the conversation on behalf of the deceased man and raised suspicions among those present. Identified as Erika de Souza Vieira Nunes, she was taken to the police station, where she claimed to be the niece and caregiver of the elderly man."
Það má ekki hvíla í friði fyrir sumu fólki.
"The Oakland Institute published a detailed report in February 2023 titled War and Theft: The Takeover of Ukraines Agricultural Land, which exposed how foreign firms have clandestinely taken control of a significant share of Ukrainian farmland by exploiting a liberal law in collusion with local oligarchs.
It's only by raising maximum awareness of the fact that most of the land within Ukraines industrial agriculture sector is run by big companies from Western Europe, from the USA that Poland stands any chance of the aforesaid compromise entering into force. Thatll make the country some very powerful enemies who could then meddle in Polish domestic affairs out of vengeance, but Dudas latest interview suggests that hes prepared to face their wrath in order to protect Polands objective national interests."
Ekkert eftir.
Skoska þjóðin vs úrkynjuð yfirvöld.
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Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.