Það má ekki lappa uppá styttur

Menn eru að taka eftir.

Atvinnu-mótmælendur handteknir

"Nearly half of the pro-Palestinian protesters arrested earlier this week at The University of Texas at Austin were not affiliated with the university.

Of those arrested, 26 were neither students nor faculty of the university, according to officials at UT-Austin."

Þetta er heldur ekki grasrótar hreyfing.

Þetta er grasrótar-hreyfing:


Mexíkanar taka ekki þátt í neinni vitleysu

"Mexico’s Senate on Thursday approved a bill that would ban so-called conversion therapy in the country."

Þetta er eitthvað sem gerðist

"As Breitbart News reported this week, a social justice warrior named Crackhead Barney cornered Alec Baldwin in a coffee shop where she repeatedly asked him to say “Free Palestine” while heckling him for his role in the tragic shooting of Halyna Hutchins.

During her appearance on Piers Morgan in which she satirically wore a neckbrace while wielding some crutches, Crackhead Barney said that Alec Baldwin “maimed” her."

Auðvitað eru vídjó.

Gæða dýr

Af hverju má þetta ekki vera svona?

"Egill Helgason, fjölmiðlamaður og íbúi í miðborg Reykjavíkur, er á meðal þeirra sem fussar og sveiar yfir óvæntri og óútskýrðri gullhúðun á styttunni Útlagar við Melatorg í Reykjavík."

Ég fæ ekki betur séð en að þetta sé kærkomin tilbreyting.

Þetta er ekki búið

"In 2020, the first year of the pandemic, there was significant deficit mortality for all causes (< 99% lower PI) and no excess mortality for all cancers.

However, in 2021, there was significant excess mortality of 2.1% (>99% upper PI) for all causes and 1.1% (>95% upper PI) for all cancers. 

In 2022, the excesses increased to 9.6% (>99% upper PI) for all causes and 2.1% (>99% upper PI) for all cancers.

In 2022, the number of excess deaths was 115,799 (95%CI: 106,018, 125,501) for all causes and 7,162 (95%CI: 4,786, 9,522) for all cancers."

9.6%  að hefði verið betri hugmynd að byrja að reykja.

Viðtöl geta verið skemmtileg.

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