28.4.2024 | 17:10
Blóð fyrir regnguðinn.
Sá þessa fyrirsögn og hélt að þeir hefðu böstað Adda í Sólstöfum
.. en nei. Bara einhverjir Rússar.
Þetta verður bara fyndara með hverri sekúndu.
Lögreglan handtekur kommúnista
"St. Louis Police wasted no time on Saturday night in quashing an anti-Israel, Pro-Palestinian protest at Washington University in St. Louis."
Þeim verður fljótt sleppt aftur samt, svo þeir geti haldið áfram að angra almenning.
Rússar monta sig af skriðdrekum sem þeir fundu á víðavangi.
Meðlimir í nauðgunargengi dæmdir í tukthúsið
"Dozens of men who sexually abused young girls in Kirklees have been jailed for a combined 346 years following a major police investigation.
Asif Ali (53) from Batley, Mohammed Tausif Hanif (39) from Dewsbury, Ali Shah (38) from Dewsbury, Moshin Nadat (38) from Heckmondwike, Sarfraz Miraf (38) from Dewsbury, Mohammed Nazam Nasser (38) from Batley and Amir Ali Hussain (45) from Batley were all sentenced for multiple offences."
Þetta er það sem Tommy Robinson var alltaf handtekinn fyrir að tala um.
Efnahagur USA núna, efnahagur íslands bráðlega.
Hollenskur pólitíkus spyr hvers vegna það á að útrýma hvíta kynstofninum
"So, I dont have to be pointed at as the root of all evil, as the Neo-Marxist critical race theory does. I dont have to become a minority in my own country, as Joe Biden said would be a good thing, would be our strength. No, why actually? Who was the racist here? Explain to me why we dont have the right to exist, why were not allowed to be a majority in the continent, in the countries that we have been a majority in since forever? Explain it to me. Turn the question around."
Kannski Kata jak geti útskýrt fyrir henni hvers vegna hennar ættstofn á að deyja út.
"According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), during her tenure, Scott stole human body parts and fetal remains and later sold them to a Pennsylvania resident she met on Facebook, Jeremy Pauley. According to a report by AP which cited court documents, she sold a total of 24 boxes of stolen body parts to Pauley for nearly $11,000."
Fólk reynir að bjarga sér á ýmsa vegu.
Mexíkanska þingið er skemmtilegt
"During the ritual, a man held the chickens head down while a woman wearing indigenous garb used a knife to cut off its head. The decapitated chicken bled out while a third man danced around waiving a vase with smoking embers and spices. It remains unclear how the group managed to get the knife past security."
Blóð fyrir Regn-Guðinn!
Hagfræði spádómar.
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