30.4.2024 | 16:28
Hinir banvænu anti-Hamas bananar
"There was a protestor in the liberated zone at UCLA with a potentially fatal banana allergy. Counterprotestors invaded the encampment and saw all the no bananas warnings. The next day they came back waving bananas like settlers waving machine guns & smeared bananas everywhere."
"The Russians will capture Donbass by October, then the conflict will freeze, and we will have to negotiate with Putin, predicts Sergei, an officer of the brigade located in Chasov Yar.
Ukrainian service personnel complain that they are completely outgunned. Russian warplanes able to operate freely close to the frontline. Ukraine has fewer tanks and armored vehicles."
Stutt eftir, þá.
Hryðjuverka-stuðninsmenn brjótast inn í hús
"Anti-Israel demonstrators have stormed and seized an academic building at Columbia University in New York, in the latest escalation of the protest movement against Israels war in Gaza...
The protesters have since barricaded the entrances to the hall and unfurled a Palestinian flag out of one of its windows, as well as banner renaming the building Hinds Hall,"
Kommar munu komma.
Þetta er bara í eðli sínu skoplegt
"A Chicago man was out on parole for carrying out a $46,000 heist at a Prada store when he took part in a nearly quarter-million dollar raid of a nearby Louis Vuitton store..."
"Bjarkey Olsen Gunnarsdóttir matvælaráðherra segir þingflokk Vinstri grænna hafa áhyggjur af fylgistapi flokksins í nýjasta Þjóðarpúlsi Gallup sem birtur var í gær. Þar kom fram að flokkurinn mælist með 4,4 prósenta fylgi og næði samkvæmt því ekki inn á þing."
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