Hin botnlausa illska kommúnista

Framrásin er stöðug.

Indjánar setja sig upp á móti hryðjuverkasamtökum

"Native Americans came out in force to challenge the pro-Hamas, America-hating Marxists who set up camp on UCLA campus."

Kaninn hefur fundið sinn sameiginlega óvin.

En það er einmitt sameiginlegur óvinur okkar allra.


Þessi slagsmál hafa borist út á götu

"They have erected barriers and placed guards, creating makeshift checkpoints which require a special wrist band in order to gain passage.

In other words, if you aren't an "ally" then you don't get to attend classes, or, if you're lucky you are allowed to take a longer route around the barricades.  Keep in mind, this is not a protected form of protest or free speech, which explains why many college campuses have chosen to have protesters removed by police.

Various groups are now engaging protesters and have triggered what can only be described as an all out brawl.  The use of weapons has been common and firecrackers have even been fired at activist tents.  Whether or not the fighting is between pro-Gaza and pro-Israel groups is not yet clear, and the conflict may simply be a matter of students enraged by the general blockade."



Ekki eru allir hrifnir af kommunum

"As the New York Post reported, the New York Police Department ripped down the ghastly Palestinian banner atop the CCNY’s flag pole and replaced it with the one flag all patriotic Americans pledge allegiance to"


Kínverjar eru að hlægja að okkur.

Þú þekkir kommana á því hve ljótir þeir eru

"Square-jawed citizens are more likely to vote for conservative candidates, while those with a slender, impish face lean to the Left, according to a new study... Left-wingers tend to have smaller, lower faces, with lips and noses that are oriented further downward towards their chins when compared to conservatives, the research found."


Hvaða lið er þetta þá?

"On Tuesday night, Columbia University released a statement after calling the New York Police Department to arrest pro-Hamas activists who “occupied, vandalized and blockaded” one of the buildings on campus, which revealed that "the group that broke into and occupied the building is led by individuals who are not affiliated with the University.""

Einfalt: setjið bara þessa bjána í rafmagnsstólinn í svona 5-6 mínútur, svo í gasklefann í 10 mín, og þá verður ekkert meira vesen.

Vísindamenn hafa uppgötvað stóra holu

"Scientists have identified what could potentially be the "deepest known blue hole" in the world, extending so far down that the bottom has not yet been reached."

Hola sem er stærri en svo að hægt sé að fylla hana með Albert Hall.

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1 Smámynd: Birgir Loftsson

"Doublethink" er newspeak málið í 1984 og á við um rauðliða nútímans. Hatarar mínir eru vinir mínir segja rauðsokkur og samkynhneigðir og fara í mótmæli þeim til stuðnings....mótmæli vegna...þess vegna...Raungerðist 2024, ekki 1984.

Birgir Loftsson, 2.5.2024 kl. 16:57

2 Smámynd: Ásgrímur Hartmannsson

Maður þarf að venja sig á að spyrja þessa vitleysinga hvað þeir meina þegar þeir segja að sem þeir segja, með vísan í orðabók menningarsjóðs.

Ásgrímur Hartmannsson, 2.5.2024 kl. 20:58

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