2.5.2024 | 17:27
Matur bítur asíubúa
Menn þurfa aðeins að slappa af.
"Few hundred protestors have been pushed out of the last section of the encampment as CHP gains FULL CONTROL of the area. The encampment is being completely disassembled and mass arrests made of those that chose to stay behind. The UCLA Encampment is no more.
More of the aftermath... "Planet- and DEI-loving leftists trash and vandalize UCLA in support of antisemitism. Communism is not a point of view. It is an all-out attack on our society," X user Steve Milloy wrote.
Brainwashed Marxist kids causing chaos at woke universities and spreading like cancer across the nation is terrible optics for the Biden administration and the Democrat Party.
... and these kids are asking for us, the taxpayers, to bail out their student debts of worthless gender degrees."
Fjandans kommúnistar.
Kommarnir eru að gera alla að hægri-öfgamönnum
"Democrats are reportedly in a panic over the Gaza protests because they think the images of campus takeovers are pushing Americans to the right.
They have good reasons to be panicked. Trump is already leading in almost every swing state and one of the reasons is because the country is sick and tired of the antics of the radical left."
Framtíðin verður bara frelsi, jafnrétti & bræðralag.
Þetta er ekki grasrótar-hreyfing.
Ekkert grunsamlegt að gerast hér
"Spirit Airlines employee speaks out against the airline and the manufacturing defects on the Boeing 737 MAX, gets pushed out the door by management in April 2023, then gives a deposition in a Spirit shareholder lawsuit in December, again alleging quality control flaws, and now, well, he's dead. He's a healthy guy, too, but just months after these events took place he died from a sudden and severe bacterial infection."
Óður tranni reynir að ræna börnum af leikvelli
"Galligan, who was convicted of nonconsensual grabbing, touching, or groping anothers intimate body parts in 2011 according to the Daily Mail, then tried to grab a potential victim, a boy, who ran away.
The alleged predator then tripped and fell over a towel before lunging at another child, Aurora Police said in an affidavit.
Social media posts from 2011 viewed by the outlet show Galligan documenting a gender transition."
Auðvitað þarf hann að líta svona út.
"The HIMARS launchers were tracked to their positions in the woods, and both were targeted using high-precision munitions. The military said both launchers had been destroyed in the strikes.
The launchers were reportedly hit by projectiles of different types. One was likely targeted using an Iskander tactical ballistic missile, and the second one with a guided projectile fired by a Tornado-S."
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