Það er matreiðzlubók

Minnir mig á að Júróvisjón er að hefjast.

Trumpo með áætlanir um hvernig hann hyggst stilla til friðar í Úkraníu

"The Daily Telegraph is now reporting, citing an unnamed source who is said to be close to the former president and current GOP frontrunner going into the November election, that Trump has developed a detailed plan for achieving Ukraine peace."


Vesturlönd tapa ítökum í Afríku vegna ESG/DEI.

Japaninn hefur sínar efasemdir.

"The eminent Professor Masayasu Inoue at Osaka City University Medical School in Japan recently warned that the Japanese government became the first in the world to approve a new type of jab called the “self replication replicon vaccine” that is being rushed to market as we speak. The goal is to have it ready by this fall or winter."

Ætlið það verði hlustað á hann?

Ein leið... kannski eina leiðin.

Auðugir kommúnistar skapa vandræði

"College campus protests are being infiltrated by outside forces and supported by professional agitators.

One such alleged professional agitator is James Carlson, who was arrested inside Columbia University’s Hamilton Hall and has no affiliation with the University.

But who is Carlson? He is the privileged son of a millionaire with a long history of violent protests.

He was charged with burglary, reckless endangerment, criminal mischief, conspiracy and criminal trespassing."

Undirbúningurinn stóð yfir lengi

"Left-wing activist organizations reportedly helped train many students for months before they began setting up Gaza Camps on college campuses across the country. 

 They even had several former Black Panthers host a "teach-in" to discuss the importance of handling internal disputes within the organization.  

One of the organizers, Sueda Polat, told the outlet, "We took notes from our elders, engaged in dialogue with them, and analyzed how the university responded to previous protests.""

Það þarf að fara að taka svona vitleysinga af lífi.  Ekkert gott hefst af þeim.

Menn hafa mjög vondan málstað, svo vondan að þeir þurfa að hylja andlit sín.

Kolefnistrúarmenn skemma Versali

"In the latest stunt targeting works of art and historic sites, two activists from the Riposte Alimentaire (Food Response) collective threw orange powder throughout the Hall of Mirrors in the Palace of Versailles, the Baroque style gallery in the former seat of power for the French monarchy."

Ég heyrði í fréttum áðan að einhver öldruð kelling labbaði 16 kílómetra til þess að mótmæla rafmagni.

Það er ekki margt að ske milli eyrnanna á fólki.

Google bannar kosningaauglýsingu því hún er of góð

"A pro-Donald Trump ad has been censored online by Google.  

According to Arenge, a reporter for NBC News, Google removed the advertisement for the vague justification of a “policy violation.” On Friday the advertisement was live in the Google archive but has since been removed."

Sem er jafnvel betri auglýsing fyrir Trump.

40k er woke núna.

Mannætur gefa kannski út matreiðzlubók

"Dmitry Baksheev and Natalia Baksheeva were allegedly butchering dozens of people over a period of 18 years before police finally discovered the cannibalistic lair hidden in their flat - including cut off body parts and photos of their human meat dishes.

When police searched their flat in Krasnodar, they reportedly found several chopped off body parts, pickled human remains, a dozen slices of skin and recipes as well as 'cannibal videos' outlining how to cook human flesh."

Framtíðin, þegar matvælaverð fer óhjákvæmilega að hækka sökum agenda 2030 og annarrar kommúnista vitleysu.

Alltaf gott þegar dularfullir leyndardómar koma í ljós.

Fyrir þá sem vilja vita hvernig það hljómar í heild sinni.

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