Úrfelli væntanlegt

Niðurrifsseggir fjármagnaðir af auðmönnum

"Absolutely WILD article from Politico this morning, admitting the Pro-Palestine protests are funded by Deep State mega-donors: -Gates -Soros -Rockefeller -Pritzker

Yep, the college protests were, until White Boy Summer, a civil war on the Left with both sides, the universities and the protesters, funded by Democrats.

Some disaffected Jewish libs are starting to second guess their support for the Democrats because of it.

The question is, why in the world is Politico doing this report? Why are they investigating this? Doesn't this hurt Biden?"

Meiri helvítis fíflagangurinn, allt saman.

Rússar dusta rykið af atómbombunum

"Russia claims Western provocations while launching a nuclear provocation of its own, saying it will drill its nuclear missile troops, air force, and ships to “practice employing non-strategic nuclear-weapons”. Also known as tactical weapons, the lower-yield atomic bombs are intended for battlefield use to destroy opposing armies and fortifications, rather than whole cities or industries, as with long-range strategic missiles."


Sannleikurinn hentar ekki ríkinu

"Here is the full 800 page report released by the House Judiciary Committee on the Biden Administration’s Censorship Industrial Complex.

On Thursday, investigative reporter Mike Benz revealed “10 flaming examples” Facebook, YouTube and Amazon explicitly said they only passed censorship policies because they were threatened by the Biden government.

The Biden White House forced tech giants to censor these five COVID claims – that all turned out to be accurate.
Claims that COVID was:
1.) manmade,
2.) manufactured,
3.) bioengineered
4.) a bioweapon
5.) created by an individual government
6.) modified through gain of function research"

Og fólk hlýddi Víði blindandi.

Austin verður samastaður barnageldara

"The Austin, Texas City Council has voted to become a sanctuary city for transgender-identifying individuals, including minors, that are seeking sex change drugs and surgeries."

Snip snip.

Hvað segir Medvedev í dag?

"Russia “will have to respond” to the proposed deployment of Western soldiers, “and this response will not be” in Ukraine, the Russian official warned. In that case “there will be no hiding on Capitol Hill, in the Elysee Palace or at 10 Downing Street.”

He said current Western elites were “infantile morons” who refuse to see the risk, unlike US President John F. Kennedy and Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev, who managed to walk back the escalation six decades ago."

Hver þrítugur maður í dag á minni og minni möguleik á að lifa.

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