7.5.2024 | 16:46
Limmó í Rússlandi
Breska heilbrigðiskerfið er virt.
Rússneskur limm-framleiðandi leggur undir sig Toyota-verksmiðjurnar
"A St. Petersburg-based plant formerly belonging to Japanese automaker Toyota has been handed over to Russian high-end carmaker Aurus...
The brand is best known for producing limos for the Russian president."
Hvað ætli Zuckerberg þurfi að myrða marga til að réttlæta þetta?
"Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is known for being super concerned about climate change, but apparently that has not prevented him from sailing around in a yacht thats bigger than most peoples houses."
Þetta brennir amk tonni af olíu á klukkustund. Meðal bíll eyðir 5-10 lítrum á sama tíma. Trukkur eyðir 15-30. Það gerir tonn á 2 vikum, miðað við stanslausa notkun í 8 tíma á dag, eða 12 bílar á klukkustund.
Zuck þarf að myrða 120 manns á dag, allt árið sennilega, til að kolefnisjafna þetta.
Deyjið til að Zuck geti siglt!
Nýr Tik-tok filter sýnir þér hvernig þú litir út ef þú værir úrkynjaður
"Theres a new Filter out there that shows what you would look like as a liberal!"
... eða meira úrkynjaður.
Gaman í 15 sekúndur.
Kolefnistrúarmenn saga niður tré
"Fans are flocking to the see the lone specimen that skyrocketed to fame on the internet before it's chopped down because of climate change.
The problem is that since the Tidal Basin is, literally, a tidal basin, it is subject to high and low tides. In the area where Stumpy sits, the high tides wash over onto the land thus inundating the trees' roots with water, something cherry trees in particular don't tolerate well."
Fólk. Ekki skynsömustu skepnurnar.
Varaforseti USA tjáir sig um ástandið á Gaza
"Madam Vice President, Hamas says it accepted a ceasefire deal the reporter began.
Shrimp and grits. Is that what you wanted to know? Harris said."
... já.
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