11.5.2024 | 17:54
Meš banana ķ annarri og Breska fįnann ķ hinni
Innrįs USA ķ Gaza heldur įfram
"As the American domestic scene is distracted by the sudden appearance of the Palestinian protesters (née Antifers, née violent Transgenders, née Trust Fund malcontents), the Gaza Pier building exercise has been out of the spotlight. The real question should be, after at least 15 years of about a $1 Billion Dollars of year of funding donated directly to the UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) why has a modern port not already been made in Gaza? For some reason $1 Billion Dollars a year was not enough to at least have a simple seaport and pier."
Nś geta menn fylgst meš Milo į X
"Milo Yiannopoulos' infamous @Nero account has been unbanned from X after a wave of accounts were unlocked this past week.
After Elon Musk bought Twitter and promised more freedom of expression on the large social media site now known as X, many other controversial figures have had their accounts unbanned."
Smį Eurovision žema ķ žessu.
"Ukrainian forces are actively using weapons supplied by Britain to carry out terrorist attacks against Russian regions, Foreign Ministry official Sergey Belyaev has said.
London remains one of the largest donors of weaponry to Kiev, providing £7.1 billion ($8.9 billion) in assistance since the start of the Russia-Ukraine conflict in February 2022..."
Komum žessu fyrir einhversstašar ķ samhengi hlutanna, til skilnings seinna.
Bretland er skrķtinn stašur nśna
"Now the anti-Hamas activist has been arrested again, but not for carrying a sign, but rather for brandishing then eating a banana, and for carrying the flag of England, the country he was in at the time of the arrest."
Handtekinn fyrir aš veifa banana og breska fįnanum.
... žetta geršist.
"Artillery, mortar, and aerial bombardments hit more than 30 different towns and villages, leaving at least three people dead and five others injured, said Kharkiv governor, Oleh Syniehubov.
Russian military bloggers said the assault could mark the start of a Russian attempt to carve out a buffer zone that President Vladimir Putin vowed to create earlier this year to halt frequent Ukrainian attacks on Belgorod and other Russian border regions."
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